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"Oh..." Evangeline mumbled softly, her gaze drifting downward.

She cast one final glance at the woman, who exuded confidence and elegance, appearing as though she belonged with Klein. For a moment, doubts flickered in Evangeline's mind, but she quickly pushed them aside. If she were to lose Klein, it wouldn't be because of another woman.

With resolve, Evangeline turned her attention back to Klein, offering him a smile.

"Can we go home already?" she asked, reaching for his coat, which felt oddly unfamiliar to him.

Klein chuckled warmly and pulled her close, planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

"You don't need to be jealous. She's married. And I only have eyes for you," he whispered reassuringly to Evangeline.

Without another glance at the woman, Klein took Evangeline's hand and helped her carry the babies leading them inside the car.

The drive was long and quiet. And as the car came to a halt in front of a sleek, modern building, Evangeline gazed up at the towering structure in awe. It was one of Klein's owned penthouses, and she had heard about its luxurious amenities, but seeing it in person left her speechless.

Klein stepped out of the car and walked around to open Evangeline's door, offering her a hand as she stepped out. "Welcome to our new home," he said with a warm smile.

Evangeline's eyes sparkled with excitement as she followed him into the elegant lobby. The marble floors gleamed under soft lighting, and a concierge greeted them with a friendly nod.

Klein led her to the private elevator, and they ascended to the top floor in silence, anticipation building with each passing moment. When the elevator doors opened, they stepped out into a lavish penthouse suite that took Evangeline's breath away.

The spacious living area was tastefully decorated with modern furnishings and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered stunning views of the city skyline. A cozy fireplace crackled in one corner, casting a warm glow throughout the room.

Klein took Evangeline's hand and led her to the balcony, where a luxurious hot tub awaited them. The bubbling water steamed invitingly, and Evangeline couldn't resist the urge to slip off her shoes and dip her toes in.

"This place is incredible," she breathed, turning to smile at Klein.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. "I'm glad you like it," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

Just then, two caregivers entered the room, ready to attend to the infant triplets. Evangeline's heart skipped a beat as she watched them approach, worry etched on her face.

Klein noticed her concern and gently reassured her, "Don't worry, love. These caregivers are trained professionals, and they'll take excellent care of our little ones. Let's relax and enjoy the scenery."

As the caretakers carefully took the infants to the nursery room, Klein seized the opportunity to hold Evangeline's hand and guide her to their room.

As soon as she stepped into the room and took in the sight before her, Evangeline's breath caught in her throat. Her eyes widened, and she instinctively covered her mouth in awe and surprise.

Rose petals were scattered on the floor and the bed, creating a path that led to the center of the room where a large bouquet of fresh flowers sat on a beautifully set table. Soft candlelight flickered throughout the room, casting a warm, romantic glow that danced off the walls and added to the intimate atmosphere.

The bed was adorned with luxurious silk sheets and plush pillows, inviting them to sink into its comfort. Evangeline couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder wash over her as she took in the romantic setting.

For a moment, she was lost in the beauty of it all, feeling overwhelmed by the love and thoughtfulness behind Klein's gesture. She turned to him, her eyes shining with gratitude and admiration. "It's... it's absolutely stunning," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

While they stood together in the romantic ambiance of the room, Klein wrapped his arms around Evangeline, drawing her close. He gazed into her eyes with a tender expression with his voice soft as he spoke.

"I wanted tonight to be special," he confessed, his tone filled with warmth and affection. "To show you how much you mean to me."

Evangeline's heart swelled with emotion as she returned his gaze, her fingers tracing light patterns on his chest. "Is this...really happening?" she whispered, her voice tinged with emotion.

Klein pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "You deserve the world, Evangeline," he murmured, his breath warm against her skin. "And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to give it to you."

Tears welled in Evangeline's eyes as she looked into his eyes. Klein carefully wrapped his arms around Evangeline as he drew her close. He gazed into her eyes with a tender expression, his voice soft as he began to speak.

"Evangeline, I know I haven't always been the best at expressing my feelings, but I want you to know that you mean everything to me. From the moment I met you and the day I lost you, you've brought emotions and feelings into my life in ways I never thought possible."

He paused, his thumb gently wiping away a tear that had escaped Evangeline's eye. "I've made mistakes in the past, and I've hurt people who cared about me. But with you, it's different. I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Klein took a deep breath, his heart pounding with emotion. "I know I'm not perfect. I have flaws, and I'll probably make more mistakes along the way. But I'm willing to learn, to grow, to become the man you deserve."

He held her gaze, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I don't know how to love properly, Evangeline. But I want to learn. I want you to teach me, to show me what it means to truly love someone. Because I'm afraid that if I don't, I'll push you away like I've done with others in the past."

A lump formed in Evangeline's throat as she listened to Klein's heartfelt words. She reached up to cup his face in her hands, her heart overflowing with love for this imperfect, yet utterly sincere man standing before her.

"You don't have to be perfect, Klein," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "All I ask is that you love me with all your heart, and I promise to do the same."

With those words, Klein slowly sank to one knee, a hush fell over the room. The only sound was the soft fluttering of Evangeline's heart as it raced with anticipation. Her eyes widened in surprise as he took out a small red box, her breath catching in her throat as he began to speak.

"I want to make things right with you," Klein's voice was steady. His eyes locked with hers as he opened the box before him. "I want to start over and properly."

"Evangeline Sinclair," Klein's voice was filled with warmth and devotion, "you helped me overcome my own demons. You gave me three beautiful children, but even without them, I would still love you with all my heart."

He paused, his gaze unwavering as he held her captive with his words. "I know you feel unsure of my words because I have never shown affection or anything to you before. But know that I am sincere, and I don't want to lose you again."

A single tear rolled down Evangeline's cheek as she listened to Klein's heartfelt plea. She reached out to him, her heart overflowing with love and longing.

"I want to hear you say you love me every day," Klein's voice cracked with emotion, "but most of all, I want to show you that you've stolen my heart and I need you because I love you."

With trembling hands, Klein opened the box to reveal a stunning diamond ring, its brilliance sparkling in the soft light of the room. Evangeline gasped in awe, her heart soaring with joy at the sight before her.

"So please," Klein's voice was filled with urgency, "I'm begging you. Marry me and be Mrs. Klein. Let's overwrite everything that caused you hurt and pain."

Tears streamed down Evangeline's cheeks as she gazed into Klein's eyes, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude. With a trembling voice, she whispered her answer.

"Yes, Klein," she choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, a thousand times yes. I will marry you!"

~Scandalous 1: Signing Off

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