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Klein's world seemed to crumble around him as he struggled to process Evangeline's words. Never before had she uttered such sentiments, and the shock of her confession reverberated through him.

As the call abruptly ended, Klein shot up from his seat with phone clenched tightly in his hand. He frantically tried to reach Evangeline. His fingers trembled as he dialed her number repeatedly, each attempt met with silence.

A surge of panic swept through him, mingled with regret.

Had he pushed her away without even realizing it?

The possibility that Evangeline had left him haunted him, filling him with a gnawing sense of dread.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Klein made a swift decision. He would find her, no matter the cost. His secretary watched in surprise as Klein's normally composed demeanor faltered and was replaced by a steely resolve.

"Sir? Should I call the driver to prepare the car?" the secretary inquired, sensing the urgency in Klein's actions.

"No need. I'll drive," Klein replied tersely, his tone brooking no argument.

With urgency driving him forward, Klein stormed out of his office. His secretary trailed behind in bewilderment. Thoughts of Evangeline consumed him as he made his way through the corridors while his footsteps echoed.

"Where are you, Evangeline?" he wondered aloud. The urgency in his voice underscored the depth of his concern.

Klein's strides were swift as he hurried to the parking lot. His heart pounded with apprehension. Ignoring the puzzled looks from his staff, he reached his car and snatched the keys from the waiting driver's hand.

"Sorry, I'll be driving myself today," Klein muttered, barely sparing a glance for the bewildered driver.

With practiced efficiency, he slid into the driver's seat and started the engine. The roar of the car drowned out the clamor of his racing thoughts. He sped out of the parking lot and left his bodyguards behind who were momentarily stunned.

The streets blurred past him as he drive his way through the familiar route. His mind was consumed by the need to find Evangeline. Though his bodyguard eventually managed to follow in another vehicle, Klein's determination propelled him forward, heedless of the consequences.

The screech of brakes shattered the tense silence as Klein's car skidded to a halt, his heart pounding with adrenaline-fueled dread. Before he could react, another vehicle materialized out of nowhere, blocking his path with menacing precision.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing a masked man.

The assailant brandished his weapon but Klein's heart raced with a surge of adrenaline, his senses heightened by the thrill of danger. With a confident demeanor, he addressed the masked figure.

"What's this about?" Klein inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity. His eyes locked on the assailant's concealed face.

The assailant remained silent for a moment while his stance remained unwavering as he regarded Klein with a steely gaze. Then, with a chilling calmness, he spoke, his words carrying an air of authority.

"Ah. Maximilian Klein, my order is to eliminate you," the assailant stated, his tone firm and commanding.

Klein's grin widened as he leaned back casually. His demeanor was unfazed by the threat before him. "Oh?" he responded with a playful glint in his eyes.

The assailant's expression darkened, his patience wearing thin as he leveled the weapon at Klein's chest. "You seem rather calm. That's good," he answered with his voice dripping with menace.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝟏: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫 ✔Where stories live. Discover now