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Evangeline's temper flared as she felt Klein's dismissive attitude towards Jeremy. As they walked towards the entrance of the house, she forcefully yanked her arm out of his grasp.

"Klein, you can't just treat people like that!" she exclaimed, her frustration evident in her voice. "Jeremy is my brother, and he was only trying to help."

Klein turned to face her, his expression masking any hint of remorse. "I don't need anyone's help, especially not from someone who's clearly against me," he retorted coldly.

Evangeline's anger surged at his callous words. "That's not the point, Klein! You can't just brush off people who care about me," she snapped, her tone laced with hurt.

Though Klein's gaze softened slightly at the hurt in Evangeline's eyes, his pride kept him from offering an apology. Instead, he responded, "So now you're talking and looking at me?"

"Then don't touch me!" Evangeline angrily shouted, pulling away from him, but her sudden movement made her dizzy, and she stumbled.

Klein swiftly reached out and caught her before she could fall. Evangeline was barely conscious at that moment, her strength was waning and so Klein lifted her effortlessly into his arms and carried her inside the house.

Once they were indoors, Klein decided to have Evangeline rest in his room, but she weakly protested. "Take me to my room..."

"Just sleep," Klein insisted, gently removing her sandals and tucking her into his bed.

As he straightened up, Klein's attention was caught by the slip of Evangeline's dress, revealing her thighs. He chuckled softly and tenderly kissed her feet before arranging the blanket around her.

Leaving her to rest, Klein stepped out of the room but accidentally stepped on something hard. He looked down and noticed Evangeline's bag, and picked it up. Curiosity gnawed at him, urging him to investigate further.

He took the bag to his study table and sat. Klein quietly opened the bag and rifled through it until his hand closed around an envelope. With a sense of foreboding, he extracted the letter inside and read its contents.

As he absorbed the words of the DNA test results, Klein's expression transformed from surprise to triumph. A victorious laugh escaped him as he covered his grin, realizing the truth of the matter. "It really is mine, huh?" he mused as excitement coursed through him.

He carefully folded the paper and returned it to Evangeline's bag before settling beside her on the bed.

"You're full of surprises, my lady. Now my anger has subsided," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Evangeline's forehead.

As he leaned back, ready to give her space, Evangeline unconsciously shifted, turning towards him. Her face nestled against his chest, prompting a soft chuckle from Klein.

"Alright, alright. I'll cuddle you," he murmured, slipping beneath the blanket and wrapping his arms around Evangeline to hold her close.

The room was engulfed in an eerie darkness as Evangeline found herself ensnared in the grips of a haunting nightmare.

She lay on a hospital bed, her body contorted with the agony of imminent labor. Sweat trickled down her brow as she reached out desperately for Klein, her voice quivering with raw desperation.

"Klein, please... don't leave me," she whimpered, her tear-streaked face pleading for his presence.

But Klein's form remained steadfastly turned away, his silhouette blending into the shadows as if her cries were mere whispers in the wind. The ache of abandonment gripped Evangeline's heart, intensifying her anguish with each step he took away from her.

"Please, don't go..." she sobbed, her voice echoing in the empty room, falling on deaf ears.

As Klein receded into the darkness, Evangeline's cries grew more desperate, the tendrils of fear tightening their grip around her. She reached out, grasping for his retreating figure, but he slipped away, leaving her alone in her torment.

With a jolt, Evangeline's eyes flew open, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath. She lay still for a moment as the remnants of her nightmare lingered like a shadow over her mind.

"It was just a dream," she whispered to herself, though her heart still raced with the echoes of her distress.

She looks around and finds herself once again in Klein's bedroom, her heart still racing from the nightmare. Evangeline quietly slips out of bed and makes her way to the kitchen, her body trembling with fear. Seeking some olace to be alone, she curls up behind the counter, trying to hide from the lingering memories of her dream.

The chill in the air seeps into her bones, causing Evangeline to shiver uncontrollably. It feels as though the nightmare has left her traumatized, unable to shake off its grip. With her knees pulled close to her chest, she hugs herself tightly, the cold sweat dampening her skin.

Suddenly, she hears her name being called, "Evangeline?" The voice calling her name caused her to gasp in surprise. The kitchen lights flick on, revealing Klein's concerned face as he approaches. Evangeline doesn't really want to see him right now.

Klein drops to his knees beside her, his worry evident. "My god! You're freezing! How long have you been here?" he asks, his voice filled with concern as he checks on her well-being.

Evangeline whimpered softly, her eyes pleading as she glanced up at Klein, feeling vulnerable and helpless. Though Klein found her expression endearing, he couldn't bear to see her in distress. So without hesitation, he pulled her into a gentle embrace, lifting her up in his arms like a protective father carrying his child.

Klein held Evangeline close as he felt her trembles gradually subside while cradling her in his arms. He murmured soothing words, gently hushing her like one would calm a frightened child. "Shh, it's okay, Evangeline. You're safe now. I've got you," he whispered. He stroked her hair tenderly, offering silent reassurance as she nestled against him, finding peace in his embrace.

"Can you please love me?"

Evangeline spoke out of nowhere that caught Klein off guard. Although it was not something Evangeline could easily say, but for her, it was her desperate attempt to sooth herself from the fear and insecurity of being left again. She felt so desperate and hopeless that she swallowed up all her pride and spoke again.

"Please love me."

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