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As Evangeline was discharged from the hospital, her heart swelled with both relief and apprehension. She wasted no time in gathering her belongings, packing the few clothes she had purchased with Jeremy's card. Alongside them, she carefully placed a twin stroller and a baby carrier.

That very night, shrouded in the cover of darkness, Evangeline silently made her way to Klein's residence. Her heart heavy with uncertainty. As she finally arrived at the gate, she gingerly placed a baby basket upfront, carefully nestling the sleeping Xander within its confines and tenderly covered him with blankets.

"Xander, my sweet baby," Evangeline whispered as her lips quivered. "Please forgive mommy for what she must do."

With a heavy heart, Evangeline slipped a note into the basket with the words penned on it: "Hi daddy, it's nice to meet you. My name is Xander."

She also managed to make a short letter of her own intended for Klein:

"To Klein,

I hope this finds you well, though I know it's a tough read. I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do. I know I don't have the right to ask for your forgiveness, but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

I can't shake off the feeling that asking you to raise a kid on your own is just too much. It wouldn't be fair to drop that bomb on you after saying that you're not it's father. But please, believe me. You're the father. And so with the contract still valid, I've made the tough call to leave our little munchkin in your care.

Xander, your son, he's so much just like you. I know he'll thrive with you. Take care of him like you've taken care of me, okay?

Leaving like this sucks, I know. But seeing the hurt in your eyes when you look at me with hate, it breaks me. You deserve a fresh start, without all this drama I've dragged you into.

Know that even though things didn't pan out the way I hoped, my feelings for you are real. They might've been one-sided, but I'm not forcing you to love me too. I'm already satisfied knowing you'll love this child.

Take care of yourself, Klein.

With all my regrets,

After tucking the note into the basket alongside Xander, she took a deep breath to steady herself before ringing the doorbell several times, the sound echoing through the silent night.

As the door creaked open, Evangeline's heart raced, her breath catching in her throat. With quick reflexes, she grabbed the stroller and hurriedly pushed it away, seeking refuge in the shadows nearby.

Klein, still recovering from the haze of a few drinks, ran a hand through his hair as he approached the gate. He hadn't had any visitors for days, having given his staff a much-needed break.

The metallic clatter of the gate echoed in the quiet night, but it was soon overshadowed by the piercing cry of the baby outside. The sound jolted Klein out of his stupor, freezing him momentarily in place. With a sudden surge of awareness, he hastened to open the gate, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the source of the cries.

"What in the world?" he muttered incredulously, striding towards the crying infant nestled in a basket.

As Klein approached the basket, the soft glow of the streetlights casted shadows across his face. Evangeline's breath was immediately caught in her throat. She watched with bated breath as he reached out his large hands and enveloped the delicate form nestled within.

The night seemed to hold its breath as Klein unfolded the papers. The sound of rustling paper echoed in the stillness. Evangeline's heart raced with anticipation, her pulse thundering in her ears. Would he understand? Would he accept the child she had left on his doorstep?

But as Klein's eyes scanned the words, his expression remained inscrutable, betraying nothing of his thoughts. With a casual flick of his wrist, he crumpled the papers and cast them aside as his attention was drawn solely to the infant before him.

Evangeline's heart sank at the sight. Although the note was nothing nearly of a love letter, but she had poured her heart into those words, hoping against hope that Klein would read them and understand. Yet, his indifference stung like a sharp slap, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable in the darkness.

But she had no time to dwell on her hurt feelings. With a shaky exhale, she watched as Klein tenderly lifted the baby from the basket. His movements were surprisingly gentle despite his stoic demeanor. It was a bittersweet sight, knowing that her child would be cared for, yet feeling the sting of rejection lingering in the air.

As Klein cradled the infant in his arms that made Evangeline's gaze soften. Her heart ached with both of longing and resignation. She knew she had made the right choice, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness for the sake of her children.

With a heavy sigh, Evangeline emerged from the shadows, her footsteps were hesitant as she approached the stroller where Maxine and Kael lay sleeping. She spared one last glance at the gate before turning and walking away.

As Evangeline was lost in her thoughts, Maxine's sudden cry jolted her, causing her to flinch in shock. She quickly reached for the milk bottle and turned the stroller to face her, offering it to Maxine, who eagerly latched onto it. Evangeline sighed with relief, sensing Maxine's need for comfort in the absence of her big brother.

Forced to reckon with the reality of their situation, Evangeline forced a smile, addressing her little girl softly, "You already miss him, don't you?" She asked and watched Maxine suckle on the bottle.

"You almost gave us away," she murmured, admonishing the infant gently, before rising to her feet.

But just as she turned to move, a sudden force grabbed hold of her hoodie, yanking her back with startling intensity, halting her in her tracks.

"What the hell?!"

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now