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Zach was seething with fury, his office looking like a tornado had swept through it, with shattered glass and scattered papers everywhere.

"Damn it!" he cursed loudly, the frustration evident in his voice.

His employees who were sensing his anger, kept their distance, not wanting to get caught in the middle of his outburst.

Amidst the chaos, Zach's secretary, Lloyd, timidly knocked on the door.

"Mr. Salazar, someone's here to see you."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Zach reluctantly allowed entry, only to be handed an envelope.

"Mr. Zachary Salazar," the visitor said casually. "I'm Oliver Taylor, representing Mrs. Salazar," he introduced himself.

"I'm here to deliver these documents. It needs to be done as soon as possible as per your wife's instruction," Oliver stated, his tone businesslike as he handed Zach an envelope.

Zach's jaw clenched as he took the envelope from Oliver, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. He quickly scanned the contents, his expression darkening with each word he read.

"What's this?" Zach demanded, his voice laced with anger.

Oliver remained calm, unfazed by Zach's hostility. "It's a notice of divorce proceedings and a restraining order filed by Mrs. Salazar," he explained matter-of-factly.

Zach's grip on the envelope tightened, his knuckles turning white. "She can't do this," he growled, his mind racing with thoughts of how to stop this from happening.

Oliver shrugged nonchalantly. "She already did," he replied, his tone implying that the matter was out of Zach's hands.

With a furious roar, Zach tore the papers to shreds, the sound of ripping echoing in the room.

Oliver watched in silence, his expression unreadable. He had seen many reactions from clients in similar situations, but Zach's raw display of emotion was particularly intense.

Once the papers were reduced to mere fragments, Zach flung them across the room, his chest heaving with pent-up rage. "Tell her I am not signing any fucking papers," he seethed.

Oliver simply nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll convey your message," he replied calmly.

"But just to remind you, Mr. Salazar," Oliver continued, his tone firm, "your wife was gracious enough to seek a formal end to your marriage. My client has strong evidence against you. Whether you like it or not, within two weeks, your marriage will be void—legally." With that, Oliver turned on his heel and left the office, leaving Zach to stew in his anger and disbelief.

Zach fell back into his seat, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He couldn't believe this was how it was going to end.

He stared blankly at the scattered pieces of paper, each torn shred a testament to the crumbling of his marriage. Despite his anger, a wave of regret washed over him, mingling with the bitter taste of defeat. Zach knew he had made mistakes, but facing the consequences now felt like an unbearable weight on his shoulders. With a heavy sigh, he realized that there was no turning back, no undoing the damage he had caused. All he could do now was brace himself for the storm that lay ahead.

As night fell, Jeremy trudged home, exhausted from the day's grind. He tossed his tie onto the floor without a second thought, momentarily forgetting he wasn't the sole occupant of his sprawling estate.

Evangeline's voice broke through his fatigue, chiding him for his untidy habits. Jeremy winced, realizing his blunder, and muttered a curse under his breath.

"Dang it," he grumbled, raking a hand through his disheveled hair.

Evangeline's laughter filled the room, a welcome respite from the day's stresses. She appeared before him, radiating elegance and grace, her presence a breath of fresh air.

"Dang it? Is that the best you've got?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jeremy couldn't help but grin at her playful ribbing, appreciating the levity she brought to the moment.

"Sorry, sis," he apologized, bending down to retrieve his tie. "I'll clean up my mess, I promise."

As Evangeline's striking appearance registered in Jeremy's mind, he couldn't help but gasp in amusement, struck by her undeniable allure.

"Where are you off to, sis?" Jeremy inquired, arching a skeptical brow as he admired her beauty, a sight he'd grown accustomed to before her marriage.

Evangeline stood before Jeremy in a sleek black backless dress, its hem falling to mid-thigh, exuding an aura of sophistication perfect for a night out in the city. The fabric hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her figure with effortless elegance. With her hair cascading in loose waves around her shoulders and a subtle yet alluring touch of makeup—soft smoky eyes, a hint of blush to accentuate her cheekbones, and red lips.

"I'm gonna go clubbing. Wanna come?" Evangeline asked with a light smirk of enthusiasm on her lips.

Jeremy's eyes sparkled with excitement as Evangeline mentioned going clubbing. "Absolutely!" he exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. "Let's paint the town red!" he added, already imagining the lively atmosphere and the thrill of the dance floor.

As they stepped into their favorite club, Jeremy darted off like an excited child to join his friends, leaving Evangeline shaking her head at his youthful exuberance. She chuckled and made her way to her usual spot at the bar where her friend Michael was working.

"Oooh, slaying!" one of Michael's friends remarked upon seeing Evangeline approach.

"Haha, I'd love to slay, but that would be illegal," Evangeline quipped with a playful grin as she settled onto a barstool.

Michael nudged his friend, motioning for him to give Evangeline some space. "Looks like someone's on cloud nine," he remarked with a smile as he approached her, wiping down a few glasses.

Evangeline shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips. "Just trying to make the most of life, you know?"

Michael nodded knowingly. "Well, you deserve it. What can I get for you tonight?"

"A Cosmopolitan, please," Evangeline replied, leaning casually against the bar.

As Michael prepared her drink, Evangeline's gaze wandered around the club, taking in the lively atmosphere and pulsing music. Despite everything that had happened recently, she felt a sense of liberation wash over her, knowing that tonight was hers to enjoy.

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