Chapter 15 - The men

Start from the beginning

After what seemed like hours, we ended up in a small dark area, there was little to no lighting, but it was pretty quiet, so I thought we got away from them.
Just as I hugged Tasanee in relief, I saw a dozen men completely surrounding us.
"FUCK!" I screamed, taking Tasanee and placing her behind me, in order to protect her. I felt her trembling hands clutching on my shirt, breathing heavily and erratically.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I screamed at them
"Oh nothing too special, just information" one of them said, he was wearing a white shirt and black shorts, holding what seemed like a wooden stick
"Information? About what?" I asked, but I knew exactly what he meant
"About your pretty family, miss Theerappanyakul" another one confessed, smiling fakely at me
"Ada.. what do they mean?! Why are they doing this to us?" She asked, almost whispering, her tears taking her breath and voice away.
I couldn't get to answer her questions, my mind was more focused on finding a way to get out of that situation. I remembered about the gun I always brought with me, tucked in the back of my pants. Tasanee never saw it, but it was always there.
I quickly brought my right hand behind my back, searching for the weapon that I soon found and grabbed, and then I swiftly pointed it at the men in front of us
"STAY BACK! I WON'T HESITATE TO SHOOT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" I yelled, occasionally changing my target, my gun stable in my hand, thumb releasing the secure and index finger placed on the trigger.
I think I heard Tasanee scream at the vision of the gun in my hand, but she stayed very close to me anyways.
The men just stood there, watching us, some of them laughing at me, probably not taking my threats seriously. They all had weapons, but none of them had guns or anything else to attack from a distance, so I began thinking that maybe I could just shoot a couple of them and run as fast as we could, approach the motorbike and go away.

Oh was I wrong.

The plan kept replaying in my head and when I felt like it was perfect, I told Tasanee, whispering through gritted teeth, in order not to let the men understand what I was saying
"I'm going to shoot some of them, then we have to run. I'm going to hold your hand the whole time ok?" I waited for a response, which she nodded, then I kept talking "Then we will approach the bike, you're going to jump onto it before me. There won't be time for wearing helmets. I will jump on right after you and then we will go, understood?" I asked her again, and she nodded again, gulping down a huge lump of saliva, her eyes wide, still wet from the recent tears.
"What are you two lovebirds talking about, uh? Are you saying your last goodbyes to each other?" One of the guys said, mocking us afterwards. All of the others began laughing at us and that was when I quickly shot at them: I shot one of the men in front of us, aiming at his knee, then I did the same to other two of them, both of them on our right side. Then I held Tasanee's hand firmly and began to run. She followed me right away, keeping my pace perfectly, jumping to avoid stepping on the two bleeding and screaming men on the ground.
I didn't even think about turning back to check if they were chasing us, I just kept running and running, Tasanee's hand secured tight into my sweaty but firm grip.
"SHIT!" I heard one of them scream, followed by another one speaking "GET THEM RIGHT NOW ASSHOLE!". I only thought about why he used "asshole" and not "assholes" later on, because when I heard that I thought they were just going to chase us, but I was wrong.
A single shot was blown by a gun. It wasn't my gun, it was one of the men's.
After that sound, I felt a sharp and stinging pain on the back of my left thigh, right above my knee. The pain made me scream and immediately fall onto the ground, my arms and face hitting the cold and rough cement.
After that pain and that fall, I heard another sound, Tasanee screaming at the sight of me falling and my bleeding leg. I tried to get back up, but the pain was too much.
It all happened in a matter of seconds, but the men were quickly approaching us.
"Tasanee, go! Run away! Don't worry about me" I told her, with a firm tone
"I'm not going without you!" she confessed, her voice trembling and crying, trying to help me get up, our hands never separating.
"JUST GO! GO NOW!" I yelled at her, wanting her to save at least herself. She looked at me in the eyes, her hands tightening against mine. She was about to tell me something, when I felt a smooth and heavy object hitting my head, probably a metal rod, making me lose consciousness in a matter of seconds. Before drifting completely into oblivion, I heard a series of muffled screams, calling my name repeatedly.
Then it all went black.

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