Chapter 14 - Sun and rain

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After that day, there were others like that, with us making love and feeling more and more intimate with each other.
After that day, I felt like my life came back into pieces, like everything was in the right place.

The situation with my family felt better too: Korn was sweet and kind as always, my little brothers and cousins were growing up wonderfully, but a bit too fast for my liking, and Gun was unbelievably kinder with me and Vegas.
I often went out with Tasanee and my brothers, either to eat or to just hang out.
My brothers loved her and she loved them: I remember Macau and Kim clinging on to Tasanee every time they saw her, Vegas cuddling with her and feeling safe in her arms and Kinn and Tankhun leaving their doubts aside and enjoying her presence more each day.
She would see my family often, but she never came to our house. I always brought up excuses and after a while she stopped asking me to see the house.
We would have a lot of dinners all together, both at restaurants or at her place, but never at our place, and she never met Gun.

Me and Tasanee often went on dates, especially motorbike rides, where it was just the two of us.
Those were my favorites: the feeling of the speed of the vehicle, the cold air hitting the front of my body in contrast with the warmth on the back of it caused by Tasanee's presence, her body pressed and clinged against mine. It felt unreal, it felt like it was just the two of us.
During those dates we would stop at random places, never too far, but neither too close from home. We would sit on the ground, whether it was raining or not, light up two cigarettes and smoke together, Tasanee's head resting on my shoulder.

Was during one of these dates that I finally decided to have our first kiss.
It was her birthday: a beautiful summer day, the sun kissing our skin, leaving a pleasant warming sensation, in contrast with the not so pleasant humidity of the air, that would make sweat run down our bodies.
We prepared a couple of portable fans to cool us down, a good amount of beers and drinks inside a cooling container and we prepared some food.
We put everything on the bike, put our helmets on and headed to where we wanted, or as I should say, where I wanted to take her.
I drove for at least an hour, wanting to take her far away from the city and spend the rest of the day completely alone.
Once we arrived, we started to search for a spot to settle, and we soon found a beautiful tree, tall, the leaves a bright green color.
We sat under that beautiful tree and began to prepare our little spot: we put a small blanket in front of us and we put all our food and drinks there, in order to keep them clean.
We liked to sit on the bare ground, even if it was pouring and the dirt was damp, wetting and staining our pants.
Tasanee was more into sunny and bright days than me: she sometimes liked to go barefoot on the grass, running around, laughing, with her usual light and thin dress flowing along with the light breeze; or fully lay on the ground, her beautiful black hair splayed on the irregular grass, a few tiny ants passing on them sporadically, arms and legs open, the sun brightening up her relaxed face.
On the other hand, I was more into rainy and dark days: I love rain, I started to love it after I escaped my six month hell. Rain feels like it can wash away anything, from dirt and blood to pain and suffering. I would always sit still or stand still under the sky pouring water onto the ground, eyes closed and head looking up. I liked to stay like that for a few minutes, in order to be fully drenched, and then I would look at Tasanee, smiling, extending my hand towards her, just for her to grab it and start to dance with me. Dancing with Tasanee in the rain felt like a dream, one of the kind that you would never want to wake up from. No music, no right rhythm, just our heartbeats trying to give the tempo to our unprecise dance moves. Sometimes we would dance slowly, holding each other closely, others we would dance randomly, laughing as we would often slip and almost fall due to the slippery ground and the frenetic dance.

We soon ate all of the food we had prepared, drank a couple of beers and just chatted and smoked for most of the afternoon.
Soon the evening arrived, the sun was starting to disappear and the sky assumed its peculiar orange and pink tint whenever the sunset happened.
I thought that was the perfect moment to give her my gifts for her nineteenth birthday.
She was looking at the sky in front of us, her head resting on my shoulder, an almost empty beer bottle in her left hand and her right hand caressing my left thigh gently.
I took a deep puff to finish off my cigarette, I put it out on the ground and then I started speaking “Tasanee.. I need to give you something” I smiled and I kissed her head afterwards. She immediately raised her head and looked at me “What? Give me something? Why?” she asked, confused. She usually didn’t like to celebrate her birthdays, especially receiving gifts, but I always insisted on at least going out together on a special date and she always gave in
“Well, it’s your birthday, and given the fact that last year you didn’t let me gift you anything, this year I wanted to give you two things” I smiled widely at her
“Oh god.. you’re crazy Ada!” she laughed a bit, slightly irritated by my words, but she gave in immediately and smiled too, happy about this new situation
“Ok, now close your eyes for me” I smiled again, excited about her reaction. As she closed her eyes, laughing afterwards, I searched in one of my pockets and I took out a little box from it. I held it right in front of Tasanee’s face and told her to open her eyes. As soon as she opened them, she smiled widely
“Are you proposing to me or what?” she joked, laughing and taking the box in her hands
“Who knows.. Come on! Open it!” I laughed too, my heart beating fast with anticipation.
She quickly opened the box, only to reveal a necklace: the chain was thin and made of silver and the pendant resembled a tiny cloud, with three little drops dangling from the bottom of it. She took the necklace off the box and observed it carefully for a bit, then she spoke
“Ada.. it’s beautiful..” she smiled widely, still looking at the pendant
“It is.. but wait..” I said, reaching for my other pocket and taking out a second necklace with the same silver chain, but the pendant resembled a sun. As soon as she saw it, she immediately understood, she gasped and jumped on my lap, hugging me tightly around my shoulders and burying her face into the crook of my neck. I hugged her back, stroking the back of her head gently, smiling and laughing a bit at her reaction. I felt a warm and wet spot forming where her face was placed, making me understand that she was crying. My heart melted and I hugged her even tighter, caressing her hair and back to soothe her.
We stayed in that position for a while and then she detached her face from my neck and looked at me, smiling, her face glistening from the happy tears she shed, her eyes looking into mine
“I love you Ada” she said, kissing my cheek
“I love you too Tasanee” I replied, taking her face into my hands, drying her tears with my thumbs. I then looked at her lips, admiring the thin shape and the pale pink color.
“This is the moment.. do it Ada” a little voice in my head spoke as I kept staring at her face, and I obliged to it: I looked into her eyes first, deep brown staring back at me, the corners still wet from the recent crying. As I kept looking at those two dark pearls, I leaned closer to her face, still holding her cheeks with my palms. I felt her hot breath against my lips and my heart skipped a beat. She closed her eyes and I slowly got closer, our lips brushing against each other softly. I closed my eyes too and I finally pressed my lips against hers: as they made contact, I felt an unfamiliar warmth radiating from my lips all the way to my entire face. Her lips were soft and hot, smooth in contrast to my bitten and rough ones. I soon started to move my lips, pecking hers softly, soon receiving the same pecks from her too.
After a couple of seconds, I started to deepen the kiss, applying more pressure and opening my mouth a little, in order to explore her lips more precisely.
The kiss resulting from that action was passionate: slow and deep, but it wasn’t sexual or lustful, it was warm, comforting, intimate.
Our lips danced together, searching one another, a few drops of saliva mixing together and creating our unique taste.
My hands stayed on Tasanee’s face all the time, caressing her cheeks from time to time, while her hands were one on the back of my neck, buried into the short hair on my nape, and the other was caressing my left cheek.
I can’t say for how long we kissed, but it was for sure a long time.
After what seemed like hours, we detached our lips, both of us trying to catch our breath, lips wet, swollen and red from all the kissing.
We looked at each other and laughed happily, pressing our foreheads together and caressing each other's face.
“And this was the second gift.. happy birthday my love” I laughed and pecked her lips
“Well, this one was indeed a surprise” she laughed too
“I’m so happy that you’re here with me.. I owe you the world..” I confessed, caressing her nape
“And I’m happier to be here with you.. and you deserve the world Ada..” she smiled and kissed my cheek tenderly.

We spent the rest of the evening kissing and cuddling, then when it started to get a bit darker, I brought Tasanee back home and then I headed back to my own house, a big smile still on my face.
I headed to my room, changed my clothes and stared at myself through the mirror: I saw a smiling, happy girl in her underwear. On her body there were scars, but she was smiling. On her neck was dangling a sliver sun, reflecting the light from the chandelier above her, looking like it emitted light on its own.
It was that light, that sun that brought the smile to the girl.
That little sun named Tasanee.

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