Chapter 5 - Detachment

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After maybe seven or eight months of unconditional love, he decided to take me on a trip to relax together and enjoy our relationship.
During this period of time I started to argue a lot more with Korn, especially after I told him about the vacation and that I was going to be alone with Sunan.
I tried to convince him to let me go and to trust me and Sunan, but he didn't, so I decided to just go without his consent.

The day of the vacation came really fast and we had a plan: I would prepare my bags with all my stuff inside, Sunan would wait in his car a bit far from my house and I would go to him walking.

It was late in the morning and I had just finished preparing my bags with my belongings. I headed towards the front door, rushing as Sunan had already arrived at his spot, and I found Korn standing in front of the door, with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face "Where are you going?" he simply asked "I'm going on vacation with Sunan" I responded, laying my suitcases on the floor.
He took a deep breath "I already told you that I don't want you to go" he said calmly "But I do! And I don't care about what you think or say!" I started raising my voice "Well, I'm your father, and you're underage, so you're going to do what I say" he said firmly, giving me a stern look.
Something snapped inside of me at those words and I said one of the worst things that I remember saying "FATHER?! You're nothing to me! You killed my real father and to keep your fucking concience clear you took me to this fucking house! With those little kids that aren't even my real brothers! I don't want to have anything to do with you or with your sons! Neither with your psycho brother and his psycho children! You don't have any authority over me and I will do whatever I want! Go fuck yourself Korn!" I took my bags and rushed through the door, hitting his shoulder while exiting. He tried to reach for my arm, calling my name, but I shrugged him off of me and started walking away.
While walking I started to feel guilty for what I said, but I thought he deserved that and that I had all the rights to do this vacation and to stay with Sunan.

After walking for a few minutes I saw Sunan's car and I smiled as soon as I saw it.
I put my bags in the car and hopped inside "Are you ready?" he asked, smiling "Of course! Let's go!" I smiled too, kissing his cheek after, and we headed towards our destination.
He drove for a couple of hours, us singing, laughing and just enjoying ourselves.
"Where are we going exactly?" I asked, curious, as he never told me where we were going to stay "You will see, it's a surprise" he smiled.
He stopped in front of what seemed like a motel, but I couldn't see any sign of other clients or anything like that. I simply thought we were the first clients. "Is this where we're going to stay?" I asked "You'll see, now move your ass and get inside" he said coldly. I was taken back by that sentence and by his tone, he has never been rude to me and that surprised me a lot "Sorry.. I just asked" I said, thinking he was tired or pissed off by something that happened before our meeting.
We got inside and right after he closed the door behind us he dropped our bags and gripped me by my hair "You're so fucking stupid aren't you?" he laughed at me and started dragging me somewhere. I was shocked and in pain, I just kept squirming, begging him to let me go and asking him what happened and where he was taking me.
He dragged me around, gripping my arm tightly and my hair occasionally, to shut down my desperate cries and my useless questions.
I started to panic when I saw we were approaching a small room with just one bed and a small toilet "Wait! What are you going to do?! Don't leave me there! Sunan please! I love you so much! Don't do this to me!" I screamed, my heart pounding fast and tears starting to form in my eyes.
He threw me inside of that room and pinned me to the wall, my face hitting the cold surface and his body pressed over mine "Listen to me little bitch, now you're going to live in this place and obey me, understand?" he whispered against my neck, coldly and aggressively.
He was completely different and I didn't even recognize him "You're staying here for a bit, I need to prepare you first. Oh and screaming and crying for help won't work here, this place is pretty isolated and almost soundproof" he added amused by my trembling body. He let me go and approached the door, not even looking at me.
I was shocked and I couldn't even process what just happened, so I stood there, with my face still against the wall, now wet with my tears, hearing him leave the room, closing the door and locking it with a key.
I let myself slide on the wall and then I dropped on the floor, cheeks full of tears, sobs leaving my mouth and incoherent questions vanishing in the air, but in my mind they were clear and loud: "Why did Sunan do this to me? What am I doing here? Am I going to die? Am I ever going to leave this place?" and many others that I don't even remember.
I stayed all day inside of that damp cold room, alone, without any food or water, with my questions.
I didn't sleep at night, I just layed on top of that hard and dirty mattress, without covers or pillows, wetting the fabric with tears and saliva, fear and despair being the only emotions in my head.

Ada's Story - Kinnporsche UniverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora