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Sunghoon disappeared for a little while, leaving me with Joohyuk. In this time, I got to know Joohyuk a little better, and to be honest, he was a pretty cool guy. We were sat down on armchairs in the waiting room of the department Sunghoon was in.

He was cool only because he was telling me Sunghoon's little secrets or whatever.

"He's such a weird guy, seriously Eunseo, he rarely sleeps, just works and works and works." Joohyuk shook his head, "And now suddenly he's just on your ass constantly, never seen him like that before."

I gave a light chuckle, finding his clear obsession over me a little amusing.

"Does he ever even go home? Or is he just in his office all day long." I asked, out of curiosity, since it did kind of concern me how Joohyuk was saying that he barely even slept.

I just wondered how long he had been tormenting himself like that for.

"I have no idea, I wouldn't even be able to give you a guess. When I finish work, he's still here, I come in the next day and he's still here. It's like that basically everyday." Joohyuk shrugged, cracking a small smile at me.

I sighed but regardless, I gave a gentle smile.

"He's seriously a weird guy." My smile widened at the mere thought of his face.

"I know, it surprises me to know that half of the employees here have the fattest crush on him - it's just unbelievable." Joohyuk chuckled, crossing his arms as he looked at me, observing my face.

"They do?" I raised a brow, intrigued in this conversation.

"Please, it's so obvious, the receptionists in this department, the female colleagues in this department, several other workers in other departments, even people with full on husbands and wives would ditch their significant other for Sunghoon." He crossed a leg over the other as I widened my eyes ever so slightly.

"..And he hasn't got a girlfriend?" I finally asked the question I was quite curious to know, for a friend, obviously..

Joohyuk thought for a while, looking around the room to try and decipher out an answer in his head. The way he was taking his sweet time to come to a conclusion kind of made me worry that the answer would be one that I wouldn't like.

But then again, it'd be weird if he was hanging around me so much and had a girlfriend.

"Not that I know of. I mean, the guy is really secretive, nobody knows much about his personal life." Joohyuk replied, and it seemed to ease my heart a little.

He suddenly turned to look at me, his gaze intent on my face, hands interlocked with each other as he placed them on his lap.

"So then, what do you know about Sunghoon? I mean, there must be a reason why he's so hung up on you." Joohyuk asked me a question for a change, one that kind of perplexed me and spiked my heart rate up a notch.

I had no idea how to reply, do I just tell him the truth? Shrug or what? I was unsure of what to do.

"So hung up on me? Pfft, don't be funny." I tried to brush his comment off, knowing fine well I wanted it to be true.

"Really? You're denying it? Damn. It's not like Sunghoon to chase a girl with so much effort, I thought you'd realise." Joohyuk thought again for a while and looked at me, "So you didn't know him at all before his little obsession with you?"

I gave a light chuckle, looking to the ground as I messed with my fingers.

"I suppose you could say we were acquainted in the past, it was nothing much though." I started, but it didn't last long as Joohyuk went suddenly silent, causing me to look up at him. He was looking behind me, then proceeded to stand up in an instant and bow respectfully.

I turned around to look at me, and there he was, the man himself - Sunghoon stood assertively with a cold look on his face, he glanced at me, a rigid expression on his face.

His eyes didn't even glimmer with a single sparkle, and he didn't even look at me for more than two seconds.

Ouch, for some reason that kind of hurt.

"Joohyuk, Strategy Department, go." He demanded, with a tone that I have not been familiarised with yet.

I stood up, turning around and looking up at Sunghoon. He didn't look at me, instead, just watched Joohyuk begin to walk off.

"See you around Eunseo." He gave a small bow as he walked off, towards the elevator and out of sight.

Now it was just me and him.

I looked up at Sunghoon, and he glanced at me once again, but instead it was still with that same callous look - damn, did something happen with him?

"Are you done?" I inquired with less attitude than usual, considering his cold aura he's dispersing throughout the building.

"Why do you care." He gave a blunt reply, to which I just rolled my eyes, what a guy of duality.

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