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I head towards a nearby vending machine in the building, selling of course boujiee brands of water and really expensive versions of drinks that really shouldn't be so expensive.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing a bottle of water from the vending machine for Mr Jang. And scanning the two drink machines, I couldn't quite see Sunghoon's favourite drink.

I sighed, heading into the elevator and pressing the button to go downstairs, as I left the company building, I looked around the streets.

Damn, was I doing all of this for a guy who ditched me randomly?

And despite that thought, my legs still carried themselves to a nearby coffee shop, ordering an iced vanilla latte for Sunghoon. As the drink was on the side, I picked it up, rolling my eyes immediately at the cold touch of the drink.

I cannot believe I was doing this right now.

Nonetheless, I head back to the building in quite of a hurried pace, Mr Jang must've been wondering what was taking me so long.

I head back into the room, the familiar pair of eyes back onto me as I passed the water to Mr Jang, and then the iced latte to Sunghoon. As I stood beside him, placing his drink on his side of the table, he looked up at me.

"Do you have time after?" He muttered, to which I just ignored and head back to stand next to Mr Jang.

Maybe I should've just ran off, since Mr Jang was unsatisfied with his expensive water.

"Eunseo, you went to the coffee store for Sunghoon? And you got me a water? Do better." He shook his head lightly with a sigh, "Go get me a coffee."

I grit my teeth, suppressing my anger and annoyance, heading off back towards the elevators.

It was so humiliating seeing him do so well, moreover have him see me be bossed around like this. This was not a good first impression after many years of not even seeing each other.

I bet he found this so amusing.

Regardless of my utter annoyance, I made my way back to the coffee shop, returning not even five minutes later didn't embarrass me anymore - the entire thing with Sunghoon had probably been the peak of my embarrassment.

After grabbing the forsaken coffee, I head back upstairs with a little bit of anger in my step, workers inside the building looked at me, a little nervous as my heels clicked against the ground in a quick, assertive pace.

You could just see that I was not in the mood for no stupid 'good mornings' or 'have a good day'.

I walked back into the room, hopefully not needing to keep running in and out. But as I handed the coffee to Mr Jang, he looked up at me again, a small chuckle coming from his lips.

Don't you fucking dare.

"Could you also run and get me some pastries from a bakery?" He gave a grin, completely oblivious to how annoyed this was making me.

I was about to go out for my third errand, until Sunghoon's voice stopped me.

"Eunseo, please stay inside. My secretary will go instead." I would thank Sunghoon for this, but to be honest, did I really want to? No.

I head back beside Mr Jang, not even giving him a thank you or a slight bow, I just stared at him intently as his secretary looked at him - despicably confused to his command.

The two whispered to each other very briefly, before Joohyuk walked out and disappeared for a while.

Meanwhile, the two were talking about some business shenanigans, to which I just completely zoned out and reinstated my utter hatred for Sunghoon mentally. He kept glancing at me, which made me totally hate him more, like, does he think we're still the same best friends who would do everything together?

No, times have changed. Drastically.

The meeting finally concluded, and it actually concluded on a nice note. Sunghoon agreed with the business proposal Mr Jang had offered him.

I gave an inaudible scoff, just watching them laugh and talk together. Out of every person in the world, this company just had to be owned by him - of course it did.

The world is small - yes, I knew that - but this small? I did not expect that.

I head outside of the room, waiting for Mr Jang to finish his conversation with Sunghoon, and the two came out with smiles and whatnot.

"Eunseo, could I talk to you for a second?" Sunghoon inquired, making Mr Jang look over in confusion.

I looked around, not really wanting to, but having no choice - I nodded and followed him over to his own room.

Inside, it was huge, it wasn't just a regular office, well it was, but it looked more of a lounge than anything - damn, I see now why people want to work here so badly.

"What the hell do you want." I immediately sprung at him with harsh words, crossing my arms as I stood near the door, he walked up to his desk, leaning on the table.

"Ouch, feisty." Sunghoon chuckled jokingly, placing his hand up to his heart as if he was offended.

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