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Sleeping in must've been the best feeling in the world - not that I would know - I was woken up by a loud banging to my door, waaay to close to my normal time of waking up for work.

I swear if it's Mr Jang begging at my door for me to come in, I might just resign right there and then.

I groaned, throwing my head back onto the pillow as the knocking persisted. But regardless, I found the energy to get up, heading to the door and opening it.

To my surprise, it was a delivery man, holding a decently big package.

"Miiisss.. Choi Eunseo?" He checked his phone and looked up at me as I just nodded, confused as to what package this was.

Did I order something ages ago and it had only just came now? That cannot be possible, I track every individual package like a sport.

He handed me the box, and it was also decently heavy too. I was in a state of confusion, daze and uncertainty.

Surely this must've been addressed to the wrong Choi Eunseo. After all, there are quite a few people with the same name as me.

But I looked at the address, my exact address.

It was odd, but nonetheless, I went into my house, sitting down on the sofa and placing the package onto the table. I observed it for a while, wondering what was going on. Was there something gonna pop out when I open it?

I seemed to have too many doubts, so instead of debating further with myself, I got to opening the package.

It revealed another box, a shoe box for that matter.

Still confused, I opened the shoe box, revealing a pair of shoes - that luckily weren't heels - but looked rather expensive.

Okay, so did someone mistakenly put my address for theirs? I grabbed one shoe, looking at it, damn, it was rather cute too.

I checked the size, and coincidentally, it was just my shoe size. As if I lived in a tale of Cinderella, now I just needed my prince in a carriage to come sweep me up in his arms.

I chuckled at that thought, but tried the shoes on nonetheless. They were comfortable, a serious upgrade from the consistent wearing of heels.

I looked back in the box, nothing left inside. Damn, was this seriously just a random gift for me?

I'll gladly take it, without second doubt.

I threw the box away, admiring the shoes themselves and placing them on the shoe rack. What a good start to my morning already, I should take more days off.

Thinking about it, it was probably a bribe from Mr Jang, ensuring I don't leave. But it's still strange how he knew my shoe size - I suppose he just guessed.

After a while of procrastination and endless thought, a knock disrupted my zoning out. I looked at the door, possibly another package?

I walked up to the door with a smile, wondering what it was now. But, as I opened the door, my smile never had faded faster.

"Oh you're fucking kidding me." I groaned, rolling my eyes and about to shut the door, but his hand lay on the door, pushing it back open.

"I am not kidding you." He gave a cheery grin, amused at my reaction at seeing him.

"What is it now." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I just glared at his face. He was good looking, I can fairly admit that. It just sucks that he had to have such a nice face while being such a shitty person.

"Did you get my gift?" Sunghoon looked behind me, I'm guessing at my shoe rack nearby.

Now it all made sense.

"That was from you?" I scoffed, shaking my head as I stared at his eyes. He looked into my eyes, and I almost became one of his fangirls if I didn't look away a second later.

"Who else would know your shoe size like that?" He chuckled smugly, and I guess he was right about that. We used to know basically everything about each other, everything down to the deepest secrets, and to the shallowest secrets.

"I'm gonna send them back." I coldly retort, unphased that it was a gift.

"I got them for you specifically. So you know, the heels don't break your feet." Sunghoon locked his eyes with mine intently.

"I appreciate the gesture, but I prefer to not have random gifts sent to me, especially from people like you." I told him, not budging at all.

"Oh you're adamant, aren't you Eunseo?" He raised a brow at how stubborn I was being right now.

"I'm being realistic, aren't I Sunghoon? I find it highly strange how you think it's just okay to send me stupid gifts, along with stupid contracts and act as if all is forgiven." I bitterly replied to him, and my words seemed to hit close to home for him, judging on his face.

His smirk slid right off his face, and his lips were nothing but a straight line, his eyes were serious, no longer playfully glaring at me.

"Speaking of which, that contract was a nice touch. It's a first somebody has turned me down like that." And there it was again, that same smirk he always carries himself with.

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