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I lay my head on the headrest of the chair as he drove, the sun began fading away, sky darkening by the minutes.

I lazily stared out of the window, just taking in the entire day I had today.

It kind of killed me to admit that I enjoyed the day out with him today. And for some reason, I didn't want it to end.

I shut my eyes for a split second, just in my thoughts and trying to reorganise where I stood with Sunghoon.

Was I going to forgive him? I mean, I had to eventually, he was trying his best after all. But then again - I didn't want to just simply forgive him like that, and then the world becomes all sunshine and rainbows.

I was conflicted, sure, it was annoying having to be so bitter to someone who I liked, but at the same time, he did hurt me.

I opened my eyes again, not really familiar with the place we were driving at right now. I looked around, confused.

"Where are we going-- Oh wait, you won't answer that." I realised mid sentence he wasn't going to give me my answer, so there'd be no point in asking.

"You're getting better at this." He chuckled, his smile was real cute. It didn't change from high school one bit.

"Pfft, whatever." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my smile protruding through my lips.

"Did you know our school no longer exists?" Sunghoon randomly mentioned, and I shot my head to look at him as he casually drove with one hand.

"No way, really?" I widened my eyes, after all these years, the school isn't a thing anymore?

"Yeah, bankruptcy, not so long ago actually, maybe like three years ago?" Sunghoon said, and I still could not believe a thing he was saying.

"Are you for real right now? That place was like home to me." I could not believe what I was hearing right now.

"I'm serious, one night I was just curious if it was still up and running, but nope. Closed down, abandoned even." Sunghoon's words just made my jaw drop lower.

"Wow.. I can't even believe that.." I scoffed, speechless to say the least.

"And to think we were in that building a few years ago, you always cleaned the cuts I got from boxing." Sunghoon chuckled, reminiscing the past.

I found myself smiling, just recollecting the memories back. It was a good time, no doubt. Those were the peak times of my life, I reckon he could say the same.

"That was so annoying, at least three times a week you'd come to me with a new injury. You know, I had to stop by the pharmacy almost every two weeks just to top up supplies for your ass." My grin widened, the topic of childhood and school life seemed to ease the grudge in my heart.

"Okay but you loved it, come on, don't lie. All the girls were so jealous." Sunghoon laughed as I laughed too.

"Alright fine, maybe I did love it." I rolled my eyes playfully with a grin on my face, folding my arms.

"That's the first time I've heard you admit something regarding me." Sunghoon glanced over at me, a glimmer in his eyes, "I wish I could turn back time."

He gave a large sigh, the smile on his face gradually disappearing back into his resting expression.

I looked over at him, curious as to why.

"Why?" I dared even ask, and he just replied with a small chuckle.

"Look where we are." He didn't reply to my question, but I looked out of the window, my smile fading.

It was my old neighbourhood, I could see my old house, and not so far along, the school both me and Sunghoon went to.

He parked up on the side, and I got out with joy.

The breeze was cool, and still smelt rather nostalgic.

It was a quiet town now, seemed like barely anybody lived here. I skipped around the place, staring at all the houses I used to have friends in, all the neighbours my mother used to be friends with.

And then I stopped by my old house. I stared at it, the gate was locked, lights were turned off. Sunghoon made his way beside me as we stood together, looking at the house that held so many memories.

It was dark outside, the street lights barely illuminating anything.

"The Choi's, the house where my first love lived." Sunghoon softly spoke, and at first, I didn't catch what he said, but I did a double take on him, staring at him with such a bewildered expression.

"First love? What? Me??" My eyes were bound to pop out from how shocked I was.

"No, Choi Myunghee, your mother." He deadpanned, but then followed with a brief laughter. He walked off, not even continuing his words that almost struck me a heart attack.

I ran up to him again, looking up at him with such an eager expression on my face.

"I was your first love? Really? Fifteen year old Eunseo??" I had the brightest smile on my face, wanting a definite answer, but knowing him, he probably wouldn't give me it.

"Let's check out if our school is still the same." He ignored my question, just like I assumed he would.

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