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I gave in, after all this time of holding these steel walls up against Sunghoon, I finally listened to him, sort of.

I wasn't just going to let him pick me up in the middle of the street and put me in his car, I already received looks for being around him so often.

"Where are we heading?" I looked out of the window as he drove, he didn't tell me anything, where we were going, what we were doing, nothing.

"I like how you ask me questions, knowing fine well I'm not going to answer them." Sunghoon gave a chuckle as I pressed my lips together.

Oh yeah, forgot he's weird like that.

"Alright then, just letting you know that I have no shame anymore, I'll make a scene if you bring me somewhere I don't wanna be." I crossed my arms, still trying to seem a little cold.

I couldn't just start being nice to him like that, and besides, I told myself I'd hold the grudge forever, so.

"It doesn't bother me." He nonchalantly replied, with a light chuckle and a smile printed on his face.

I rolled my eyes, of course it didn't bother him - nothing did anymore.

We pulled up outside a huge mall outlet, but instead of those generic ones, it was the boujee districts in the centre of Seoul, where all the pricey stores were.

He cleared his throat, stepping out of the car and opening the door for me. I simply turned my head to him, glaring into his eyes.


He raised his brows softly.

"No?" He repeated my words, but the way he said it made me realise that I should definitely get my ass up.

So, with a sigh, I stepped out of the car as we head into the first luxury store. I looked around, I normally didn't have time to even buy food for myself let alone splurge in a store like this.

A sales assistant made her way over to us, her eyes darted straight to Sunghoon, sparkles in her eyes.

"Good afternoon, is there anything you're looking for?" She gave a light bow, still staring at Sunghoon.

Same to be honest.

"Whatever she wants." Sunghoon looked over at me with a smirk, and I looked up at him, dumbfounded and unsure of what to say.

The sales assistant gave a chuckle, her cheeks flushing a tint of light pink at Sunghoon's words.

If she's blushing over his words, then I don't even want to know how I look right now. My heart was beating insanely fast, this guy cannot be serious.


A while later, I found myself feeling more comfortable spending his money after seeing his black card for the first time he paid for my things.

Besides, this could be classed as reimbursement for leaving me for all those years. However, I'm still not completely forgiving his ass.

Currently, I was deciding between two summer dresses, I head into the changing rooms as Sunghoon waited, sat.

I stepped out with the first one, it was pretty cute, rather short, but that was the least of my concern, both of the dresses were short.

He looked up from his phone, observing me for a good while. He snapped out of his daze, twirling his finger round as a signal for me to spin around.

I did so, and he nodded his head, his eyes trailing from the bottom of me, to my face.

This guy was no help, I turned to the changing rooms again, changing into the other one. I stepped out, and he just stared at me.

No words came out of his mouth, simply, his eyes glued onto me. I did another spin, and he still, didn't say anything.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes lightly.

"So? Which one??" I snapped him out of his stare, wanting to know his opinion.

"Why not both?" His eyes gleamed into mine, still caught in a trance of how I looked.

"They're kind of expensive." I sighed as he chuckled.

"It's pocket change. I want you to get both." Sunghoon crossed his arms, staring at my figure in the dress, his eyes went back up to my face, staring at me in thought.

"Alright, if you say so." I rolled my eyes, heading back to change into the clothes I came in with.

So, heading to the checkout, I got both of the dresses, and Sunghoon was never happier to pay for them once again, I'm pretty sure I had a whole haul of things he bought me.

"Would you like anything else?" Her eyes sparkled over at me and then Sunghoon.

Sunghoon turned his head to look at me, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

"Whatever she wants." He said again, and I looked over at him, giving a light groan at his words.

"No, that's it." I replied with a sweeter tone to the cashier, and so, she packed the dresses in a bag.

Sunghoon had paid and we walked out of the store, he looked over at me.

"Anything else?" He inquired, and I was pretty much exhausted. It was fun shopping, reliving the life you always had wanted, but it drained your energy pretty quick.

"To go home." I gave a large sigh, piling the next bag on top of the many in his car.

"Say no more."

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now