Xaden looks up at him, " It's the only way..."

" Help me please.." I beg Rhys but I got no response. He's on Xaden's side for this.

Slowly the black that was rimming my eyes closes in, " Get her the hell out of here." Xaden demands was the last ting I heard before I faded completely. 

It's been a week.

A week since we needed to evacuate Monstreot and I never heard anything about Mira. 

When I woke I was in the infirmary once again, I couldn't talk for the first two days. Liam and Hetta were by the side the whole time, whether they were together or taking shifts watching me.

The worry has been gnawing at me, almost as much as the damn betrayal I've felt. I haven't even seen Xaden since, actually he tried coming once but I got ahold of one of my daggers and threw it at him, his shadow caught it, I should've waited at least one more second so I could've seen more of him to throw at.

I hate him. 

I haven't been going to classes. Hetta told me she at least gets asked twice a class period what happened and how ' awesome' that must've been to see a real seige, to hear real gryphons, Lark and Dain supposedly scorched one on the wya back.... not that I would know.. I was passed out.

I lay in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling when there is another knock on my door. " Not today Hetta!" I yell tiredly, that almost took to much effort.

The door opens, " Not Hetta." Liam says slowly, softly, like silk. I hate that tone, makes me feel weak, it also makes me want to feel weak.

 I sit up looking at Liam, " What?"

" I'm here to pick you up."

I groan laying back down, " Like I've been telling Hetta every day... not today."

" Well, I'm not Hetta. Your getting up."

" No, I'm not."

" Yes, you are."

I sigh rolling over, though he leans forward rolling me back to where I can look at him. " Freya." He says sternly, " You haven't been to class for almost a week, this ' not going' is going to affect your grades and ranking-"

" Am I still first? Your second?"

He pauses quirking his mouth, " Annoyling... yes."

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