"everytime i tell her too she walks away, we could be millionaires" meredith shakes her head

"it's okay you can be a millionaire with me, speaking of being with me" addison steps off with meredith "i was wondering if you would like to take like a week off, to visit naomi and sam in LA" she says

"but i can't miss a day of work addie" meredith says

"don't worry i'll talk to chief, you're not missing work when you have an excused absence" addison says "i mean if you don't wanna go that's okay, i just got a call from them they had patient and i wanted to see if you'd wanna go with me?" addison says again

"i'll go, we do need a nice week off together" meredith smiles

"i'll see you at home mer" addison gives her a kiss

"see you" meredith says

this time meredith is waiting for addison with izzie and george

"george are you sure you wanna stay with us, you can stay with callie" izzie says

"no i want to stay with you guys..i need support" george says

"alright then" izzie says

they see addison walking down the stairs with the chief talking and they hug and he walks away while addison walks towards meredith

"hey honey" meredith leans up to place a kiss on her cheek

"hey mer, we're off next week" she leans into meredith's ear to whisper

meredith smiles and nods

they walk out with izzie and george and addison drives them home

"it'll be fun, no raining i've never really been close to sam and naomi as much" meredith says

"yeah but they love you" addison says

"really? did they say that?" meredith asks

"no..but i know because i love you" addison says

meredith laughs "i love you too"

"can you guys stop we get it, you guys are in love" izzie walks into the kitchen grabbing a soda can

"you guys really need to stop consuming junk, i saw your lockers and boy was i surprised nobody eats that much junk food" addison says

"you searched our lockers?" meredith and izzie both ask

addison turns to george who shrugs

"uh no..no i was uh no i didn't say that i meant like i saw how much.." addison tries to think of what to say

"dr.montgomery-grey just saw how much junk food we were eating at the tunnel and lunch so she was surprised and wondered what we had in our lockers" george saves her

"yeah, i mean..if you eat that much in a day you must have more in your lockers right" addison takes a water bottle from the fridge then walks to the counter standing next to meredith

"you guys have been getting along, aren't you supposed to be mad george slept with your wife?" izzie asks

"we're passed that stevens" addison opens the bottle and hands it to meredith

"thanks" meredith says quietly drinking the water

"where can i find a man that'll treat me like that! or do i have to switch teams" izzie sighs

addison and meredith both smile

"maybe i'll just take your wife" izzie says

"as much as i love you, i would not let you" meredith takes addisons hand

"fair enough" izzie says

"i'm glad you guys are happy, callie's fighting with me because she says that i always tell you guys everything and can't bother to tell her when it's not like that" george says

"george you gotta dump her, i mean she doesn't understand you" izzie says

"do not listen to her, you love her and that's what relationships have fighting, you guys fight and patch things up that'll just make you guys understand each other more" meredith explains

"i side with mer, it's like learning from your mistakes" addison says

"i should go to her!" george takes his jacket and bag leaving the house

"he always does this" meredith shakes her head

"we should get to bed it's late 12 a.m and i'm exhausted" izzie says

they all go wash up and go to bed

meredith was in addisons arms

"i'm sorry for cheating on you, i love you i appreciate you..i'm happy whenever i'm with you you're enough for me, you're my wife i fell in love with you the first time i saw you, i remember thinking i had to have you or else i'd die" meredith says

"where is all of this coming from?" addison says

meredith lays down on her stomach to face addison

"i just don't wanna lose you again" meredith says quietly

"mer..don't worry, i'm staying i promise i'll stay, im sorry for leaving you the last time..it's my fault too, i love you and we're gonna work hard okay?" addison says

meredith nods

"i'm yours and you're mine" addison cups her face

they kiss one last time and go to bed

authors note:

i'm hope you guys liked this i really appreciate it, to be honest i just posted this for fun but i really like this storyline maybe i'll make a sequel or one that shows how meredith and addison first started out their relationship back in new york city, but yeah stay tuned for that because it'll be happening, i really really hope you guys liked it.

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