Clean up time

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April 26th 20??

Hunter pulled up in front of the clinic. The clinic Rosemary worked at, before…

Hunter gripped onto the steering wheel tighter and held his breath. This was going to be easy, he was going to clean out her office and walk out with her stuff, simple.

“Jasaginae, I want you to be on your best behavior when we walk in there…” Hunter unbuckled his seat belt to look at Jason. The young boy swung his feet while looking off to the side and hugging Vitamin. “Did you hear me, Jason?”

Jason nodded.

“Then what did I just say?”

“To be on my best behavior…”

“Good, you don't have shit for brains yet…”

“What was that?”

“Come on.”

Hunter got out of the driver's seat and got Jason out of the car, leaving Vitamin to wait in the car. Hunter held onto Jason's hand while holding the cardboard box to collect Rosemary’s things. 

When he walked in, he could feel eyes on him while they whispered. Hunter didn't care, he was surprised that they had the brains to be working here but not the manners to not gossip, especially when their center of gossip was right there. He focused his attention to the front desk, where he stated his purpose for being here while keeping a firm hold on Jasaginae's hand, Hunter focused his attention on the items displayed. A tall candy jar, a pen Rosemary would have stolen, the background noise of the annoying gossip…

At this point, Hunter was used to it. At work he caught coworkers stare at him, acting like they were walking on eggshells around him. Whenever he took Jasaginae with him to work every once in a while, he caught the pitiful looks his coworkers would give Jasaginae and was scared off when Hunter caught their looks. 

Rosemary's office was easy to find, ‘R. Durchdenwald’ stared back at him on the office door. He guessed that Rosemary was a well respected individual, so he couldn't say that ‘Glen’ fucker had bad taste. 

When he entered the office, he wasn't surprised about the unorganized papers and pens on the floor and on her desk. 

Hunter pulled out the spinny chair from the desk and sat Jason down in it then pushed it in the far corner. 

Hunter opened the drawer to Rosemary's desk, he saw various things but something caught his eye. 

Pearl was alone in the office drawer, it was an odd thing to have at work so Hunter picked it up to examine it. It seems Rosemary had sewn ‘Pearl’ in one of the tentacles. 

Okay how did it go…Ah, yes, he had just turned 13 and got news of Rosemary moving away. Rosemary claimed that she overheard her mother say it was gonna be temporary but she still wasn't sure. 

So Rosemary begged Hunter to go on his bike and bike with her all around Herkleston. If you asked Hunter, it felt like all of Maryland.

July 10th 19??

Hunter felt Rosemary's long rounded hair hit his face for the third time. 

He can hear her calls, “Keep up, Hunter!” Or “We’re almost there, keep pedaling!”.

It was easy for her to say, Hunter had just started riding a bike and he already wanted to die over being seen in training wheels. 

“This is as fast as I can go!”

Rosemary Bianchi wanted to go everywhere and anywhere she could. Hunter remembered Rosemary in his room at the crack of dawn sitting on his bed waiting for him to wake up. “Hunter! HUNTER WAKE UP!”. That was the first thing he heard while waking up while Rosemary jumped on his bed.

✤ The grave below the flowers ✤ (CRAIG OF THE CREEK)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt