Before bed breakdown

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Forgot to say this last chapter but the bracelets Jasom gets are actually bracelets from my friend, @transsexualmenace. He's really talented with kandi and I wanted to use them.

January 30th 20??

Hunter had gotten home four hours ago. Undeniably, it was a hard day. A long day, he should be kicking off his shoes to sleep and repeat the day. Yet he stared ahead at the wall with bloodshot eyes and his head about to explode.

Hunter didn't go up to his room to sleep. He didn't want to pass Jasaginae's room and remind himself who she left behind.

Maybe he should've done a paternity test after she died, so he'd have an excuse to get rid of him and at least get closure. He would have done that if he wasn't such a damn coward when it came to the truth. Now he has a kid that probably isn't even his with the family name.

Maybe Jasaginae wouldn't have sat still enough to do that.

What the hell was he saying? He could have set him straight if he dared not sit still. That boy wasn't going to embarrass him more than he already did just by existing, Jasaginae's mere existence humiliated him ever since Hunter ran into Rosemary's coworkers at the grocery store and overheard them gossiping about Rosemary and her coworker and what they did during breaks.

Hunter pretended not to hear them in order to open a door of more of their gossiping. Thankfully, the coworkers walked right in.

They went on and on about Rosemary and the guy she thought was nice from work. Guess they got too comfortable walking through the door cause the conversation shifted to laughing at Hunter.

When Hunter came home to Rosemary home after 'working late', he drowned out her rambling about her day at work with the sounds of the shower. The steam fell against the mirror, maybe a good thing so that Hunter couldn't look at the cuck he let himself become.

But Rosemary being in the shower at this time gave him a chance. He noticed Rosemary's phone on the nightstand, and once it was unlocked, he went to town on her photos and text messages.

And just what he thought, the steamy text messages glared at him while the screen shone on his glasses.

Hunter's heart was bursting within every text message. He wanted to throw her phone against the wall. He wanted to march down to the clinic with his hand gun and blow the brains out of this 'Glen' she was seeing. Turns out, the bastard was fully aware that she was married, yet he didn't care. Just like how she didn't care about who she hurt.

He read more in hopes to find out more about this guy, find out what he had that he didn't. He hated how his hair was the ugly shade of a carrot underneath the growing grays. Apparently, he had a daughter older than Jason from his past marriage, but they barely talked about her, and Hunter wasn't interested in Glen's daughter's 'emo phase'. He would be laughing at how desperate he sounded with every text message if he didn't feel so mad. He actually thought he could get serious with Rosemary. Maybe he wanted a good step mom for his daughter, based on the grays eating at his ginger hair, he could assume his daughter was a piece of work.

Hunter tightened his fist while fighting the urge to text Glen himself and show him who Rosemary belonged to. Sure, their marriage hadn't been...The best for the last couple of years, but the infidelity still hurt.

Hunter exited the text messages and left her phone back on the nightstand, stunned.

Rosemary's talking was a blur. Her voice was of gibberish, and he couldn't listen to her. He couldn't listen to her for the whole damn day. Eventually, she picked up on Hunter not listening to her, and her anger shut her up. He hadn't noticed that was the day she was truly done and she was going to spend the rest of the day building up the courage to request a divorce the next day. Took her long enough.

He thought he could bury Rosemary and be done with it. He wanted to. He didn't want to think of how he let himself be cheated on for all those years, yet, yet-

Jasaginae ruined that.

Jason ruined his desired bliss. He had to go talking to that boy he wished Jason viewed as just a friend.

Then Jason had to think it would be cool to grow his hair out. Like, like-

Like Rosemary's-


Hunter got off the couch after who knew how long, he made his way up the stairs. He was greeted with the photo of him and Rosemary with Jason when he was a baby. Her smile mocked him, and the bow-tie she wanted him to wear that day still choked him.

He turned the corner and made his way to the garage. He digged through the useless junk he needed to sell or throw away and found his barely-used tool box, it looked like a tetanus outbreak waiting to happen, but Hunter got his hammer and shovel anyways. He never thought he'd use the shovel again, but Jasagine went blabbing.

When he went up the stairs, he first intended to retrieve the disposable gloves in the bathroom. But that hit a pause when he was face to face with the photo of him with Rosemary, who was holding Jason when he was a baby again.

Hunter looked at her mocking smile, she was making fun of him through that smile. She flaunted Jason shamelessly for Hunter to see, to remind him she would never love him enough to give him a real son-

The anger rose to his temples until his brain burst, and he smashed the hammer into Rosemary's face. One of the cracks extending itself across Hunter's neck made his job look sloppy, Hunter could only think of the scoffing from Rosemary.

He turned to another photo of Rosemary, slipping the photo from the frame and scribbling on it with the black marker from his pocket. He threw the photo to the ground without a care and went for the next one.

This time, he grabbed the photo of the two of them on their honeymoon and threw it against the wall. The frame shattered, and he finished it off by again scribbling out Rosemary's face.

Not a single photo of Rosemary was safe from the wrath of Hunter, Hunter's breath hitched with every shatter and rubbing noise of the maker over Rosemary's lively face. By the time he was done, his marker had dried up.

He sat on his knees while hunched over the shattered picture frames and ruined photos. There was no more of that face laughing at him.

He looked back at his shovel. He had almost forgotten about that. He bit his lip, reminding himself of Craig, Jason's 'friend'. He hated the way they hugged, how Craig managed to slip his way into a terroity with Jason that got Jasaginae comfortable enough to talk about the grave Hunter never dared speak about to him.

But it didn't matter now. Craig wasn't going to go to an adult and shrink about the corpse in their backyard. There won't be a corpse by the time the police come by.

She had plagued this house for years and now Hunter was going to put it to an end for good.

Maybe this is her revenge. She's sending kids to befriend Jasaginae so he can go talking about the grave and the child will freak out and tell the whole town.

It wasn't long till he was standing in front of the grave, cold air against his skin and hair flowing.

Three years ago, he had dragged her into this hole. He thought he'd keep her down here and she wouldn't say or do a damn thing, but once again, he was wrong.

He wasn't going to get locked up. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of watching him in handcuffs getting escorted to the police car as the neighborhood watches.

He swallowed his breath and raised the shovel to prepare digging.

Yet just behind him, a lisping cry found it's way behind him.

Oh, he's here.

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