Server of the cycle

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Forgot to say this in the last chapter, but I got purple rubber bands on my braces for The Grave Below The Flowers. Hehehehe

Jason's hands ached, and the bones in his wrists felt twisted and swollen. He felt dizzy at the smell of the chemicals, and the blood on the knife used to chop up his father at the last minute to make carrying the body easier. Just like what the documentary said.

Never in Jason's life did he think he'd have to use so much hydrogen peroxide and the way he used the knife in his hand made him want to throw up, but he couldn't get sick during a job like this.

Jason looked back at the weapon before thinking of getting rid of the body. How was he going to get rid of the fingerprints on the weapon? Jason skimmed through the documentaries quickly. It took a bit, but Jason got bread crumbs. He let out a groan and turned to his phone. He didn't have time for this...

Eleanor would be home any moment, and how will he explain this much hydrogen peroxide. Let alone the trash bags...

'Daps of hydrogen peroxide on a Q tip get out fingersprints on a gun like a dream' They had plenty of those in the bathroom.

Jason ran up the stairs to the bathroom. He searched, grabbed the box of what Q-tips were left.

He dipped one in the chemicals and rubbed it in gently whereever his fingerprints could have been. Just to be sure, he took a cloth and rubbed it into the gun. All the way to the top of the gun, to the trigger, and to the very bottom.

Now that it's clean, he had to return it to his father's hiding spot.

After returning the gun to the false picture frame and putting the other supplies away, Jason turned back to the TV and skipped to the next documentary. He skimmed the synopsis, 'Woman uses a suitcase to carry her dismembered husband'. His old roller backpack from last year would be a good replacement.

Jason paused the TV another time and rushed up to his room. He slammed his closet door open and drew his dusty old roller backpack from the closet. This bag was gonna be used for that trip he was gonna go on in March, and now it had another purpose.

Once he had the roller backpack, it was time for storing the body.

Jason unzipped the bag and picked up the bagged cut-off limbs. He placed the layered body parts inside the roller backpack and zipped it up. He placed the handle in his left hand and nearly dragged the whole thing with the weight like that. Okay, where to hide what was left of him?

He couldn't flush them down the toilet. He couldn't put it under that rock...

The creek.

That's where he can bury it. He has to bury it somewhere in the creek.

Jason checked the time on his phone,  3am. He had enough time before anyone left their houses for school or work.

Jason grabbed the shovel left behind by his father with his right hand. The wooden feel of the shovel sinked in his skin as he opened the sliding door.

Jason was welcomed by the grave, the flowers needed watering, and the red yarrows were looking a little off. Maybe it could have been the darkness outside. The grave looked at him, and Jason looked back.

"Shut up"

Jason walked the other direction towards the creek, the same direction Craig ran from him just a year ago.

Okay, which spot would be the best spot?

Jason walked a little longer, trying to make sense of his surroundings. When he couldn't find anywhere good, he figured it would be best to dig for the mini flashlight in his pocket and switch the flashlight on. He placed the shovel under his arm tightly and put his flashlight in his hand. He lifted it up, nearly shaking, wondering what beast could be in the shadows. He used the light to guide him as he walked. He scratched his arms
on sticks and bit his tongue when he stubbed his toe on a rock.

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