The boy's a fraud

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Please go to the welcome page, I added some warnings on what's going to be in this fic. Trigging topics will be present more in this fic so be warned.

The toy train rode on the train tracks in the living room, Jason happily watched his trains move in the oval shape he set up the tracks in. Jason put Vitamin to the side to try and reorder the tracks, but while doing so, two chihuahuas made their way towards the area in the living room. They noticed Vitamin at the side and felt enough curiosity to approach the plush toy. One of them tried to grab at Vitamin with its paw, though the other wanted to bite it to see what would happen.

Neither intentions mattered, Jason was finished setting up his train for another round and noticed the way the chihuahuas were looking at Vitamin. Jason quickly grabbed at Vitamin and held him tight in his arms, "Go play with the toys Eleanor gets you! She just brought you one, Puddle, go share that with Mozzarella!" Jason scolded the chihuahua with the plan to simply move Vitamin with his paw while pointing to the chihuahua named Mozzarella, the deranged one that bit Jason all those years ago.

He still couldn't shake the fear that consumed him the entire time in the hospital. He could even recall his father claiming he was acting like his mother. Claiming he was being dramatic while pissed off that he interrupted his important phone call with a coworker by screaming to his father about the bite.

Thankfully, Eleanor called an ambulance cause she didn't want to deal with looking at a gross infection and because she wanted to get him out of their hair.

Jason continued playing with the train set while hugging Vitamin fondly. To his pleasure, the chihuahuas were walking away. If Eleanor wasn't busy talking to a police officer, they would have gone to her.

Earlier this morning Eleanor had called Mr.Durchdenwald's work place to see if they knew where he could be, nothing useful came from them. She tried calling his phone, nothing. For Jason had turned it off, the phone sat under his mattress untouched.

Jason tried ignoring the talk as the officer listened to her list the many traits to Hunter. But the police officer took a look around the place and saw Jason just tidying up his toys to head back to his room, he turned back to Eleanor. "Well, maybe he knows something, do you know where he could have been when your husband went missing?".

Oh, didn't think he'd really notice him there. This should be quick right?

Eleanor took a look at Jason, the navy blue hair on Jason's head began to embarrass her. But the police officer walked towards him regardless

Jason tried to stand there calmly, he carried Vitamin within his arms and held his chin high when speaking to the officer. "Hey, sport...".

Oh, he was beginning with an attempt at gaining his trust. The police officer simply asked Jason if he had seen his father go anywhere, if he knew anyone who might know where he was. The questions were basic enough for Jason to smile and lie.

"Jasaginae, did your father at least tell you where he was going?!" Eleanor chimed into the conversation, Jason could see the sudden hints of hope in her eyes. Hope that her husband was okay, hope that her husband didn't abandon her with nothing, hope that she didn't wrong him so badly he left her to deal with Jasaginae alone. It almost made Jason feel sorry for her.

Key word, almost.

"No, he didn't".

The lie came naturally, and that was enough for the police officer to nod his head and step away from him. A sigh of disappointment escaped Eleanor's lips, The Officer and Eleanor returned to talking.

Wow, that's 4 minutes wasted on lying. At least he thought it was 4 minutes.

Jason walked to his room like how he intended, he ignored the talk from the first floor by shutting his bedroom door and sitting on his bed.

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