Give n' take

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Was Craig could think to himself as he took his steps towards Jason who sat on a swing at the creek blacktop. The empty blacktop who once carried probably generations of creek kids, but now the only person there was Jason. Boris and Tony were off talking with Xavier about something, probably the costumes Tony was interested in. If Craig had any luck, she wouldn't show up.

At least not another time today.

Ever since Xavier invited himself into the creek, the creek wan't even the creek, no it was his creek with his rules and his way of playing. It sicken Craig, yet he told them...-

"Craig, you wanted to see me?"Jason turned his head around to see Craig was finally standing at the swings "Y-Yes...I did..."Craig spoke then pointed to the empty swing next to Jason, Jason nodded his head automatically knowing the gesture Craig was using to imply.

Craig took a seat on the swing and took a small swing, "So, you know the creek has an uninvited kid playing here...He's making things no fun. He's making everything about him, Jason I really want to stop him, me, Kelsey and Jp all do but we can't do it alone" Jason listened to Craig talk, well, he did keep a, what people would call disturbing secret. No wonder he hasn't been anxious when that police car drove by his house, huh. The least he could do was help Craig the way he wanted to.

Jason inhaled and exhaled "Okay...I'll do it, the creek hasn't been fun since he showed up". Jason lifted himself from the swing and stood up "Where are you going?" "To return the favor"Jason smiled softly and began walking off to where Xavier should've been.

Jason was confident this would go right, Craig will probably tell him what not to do. He wanted to trust Craig, he wanted to have fun at the creek again, he...

He wanted him.

He didn't know how he wanted him, he just desired him being there with him. That was enough, enough to Jason, the right amount of enough he couldn't give his father or Eleanor but the enough he could give Craig by helping save the place that gave him his escapism.

Craig watched Jason walk away and sighed, he didn't want to put Jason into danger but he knew he needed help, he couldn't fool anyone even Jp that he didn't.

Maybe he should've gotten someone else...What if he was still grieving-

"No, he's fine...After this, you can leave him alone, that's what he probably wants".

Is what both Jason and Craig thought to themselves until the dinner horn rang.

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit was busy with my other books and finals are stressing me out, but I promise this book will reach it's eventual climax I doubt you'll be waiting long I just need it to be built up and set up. I'm trying a more show don't tell style of writing but also getting the point across, after watching FLCL:Alternative I didn't like how the messages were spoon fed instead of being shown. I started to feel like my writing was close to being like that so I want to try and show the characters feelings instead of telling them.

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