Chapter 272 - The End is a New Beginning

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A month passed quickly, and the wedding day soon came. 

It had been a long time since the Qi family's home so lively. Most of the hilltop was filled with countless luxury cars, and the invited guests exchanged drinks and greetings. 

Mrs. Qi even wore a custom-made cheongsam, a fur shawl, and a full set of jade jewelries. Showing her grace and splendor.

Under the orderly command of the butler, the Qi family's servants were busy in an orderly manner, and there were also specially hired external waiters who were constantly wandering among the guests to provide them with services. 

Qi Yunjing was currently confirming the final arrangements with others. The process, all shooting, and the aerial camera must be in place. Every detail of every scene must be captured to facilitate later editing and production.

The other protagonist of this wedding was eating and drinking in his own room. 

Xia Yu was the first one to come. Compared to the other two who are now prosperous, he had more time, so he came over early to help. However, apart from chatting with Wen Ran, there seemed to be nothing he needed help with.

Wen Ran was a little surprised by another person who came early. That was Xu Qian, who was transferred to the special department. 

Speaking of which, he and the policeman had not seen each other for a while. After Xu Qian accidentally opened his eyes and could see ghosts, he is very busy in the special department. And because he is from the system himself, he naturally has a stronger sense of responsibility and belonging than those Celestial Masters.

So rather than Celestial Masters who can only be invited to open the Heavenly Eye, Xu Qian, who just arrived, became a treasure. He was too busy that even after he made several hot pot appointments with Wen Ran, he didn't make it in the end.

So Wen Ran thought that Xu Qian would come over during the wedding to have a bit of fun and have a drink before leaving. He didn't expect that he would come so early.

Seeing Xu Qian in a suit, Wen Ran was a little unaccustomed to it: "I'm used to seeing you in casual clothes, and suddenly you change into a suit. Looking at it this way, you look a bit like your lawyer brother."

Xu Qian wasn't used to suits either. He usually dressed as casually and out of the way as possible, so being restrained by the suit at the moment, he felt awkward even sitting down. 

He tugged at the clothes on his body, and seeing Wen Ran still slurping his noodles, he couldn't help but say, "You eat so much now, can you stuff into your clothes later?"

Wen Ran said: "I'm not wearing a wedding dress, my suit is loose."

Xia Yu also ate beside him, and enthusiastically invited Xu Qian to join him. Xu Qian shook his head and refused: "I rented this suit, so I can't get it dirty."

Wen Ran smiled: "It seems that my wedding has caused you to bleed profusely."

Xia Yu took out a few pieces of paper to clean his greasy mouth: "That's not the case. I have to work hard to eat. I heard that today's banquet is full of good things. Which table will you put us at? If the food looks too ugly, will it embarrass you?"

Wen Ran pushed the finished bowl to the side and burped: "Don't worry, the arrangements are all for foodies like you, and I have given special care that someone will come up to fill the empty plates immediately."

Xia Yu laughed: "Brothers enough!"

After Wen Ran finished speaking, he looked at Xu Qian: "Do you want to sit with your brother?"

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