Chapter 278 - Extra 02 - Yang Xi [01]

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Since The War in the Dark movie, Yang Xi's acting career has officially started. 

Although he only appeared for a few minutes, it probably brought back the youthful memories from the New Anchor Competition, Yang Xi followed up and acted beautifully in The War in the Dark and became a small hit. 

After that, he started to accumulate experience from small roles such as the fourth male and the third male. He never stopped learning in private until he filmed a TV series as an Internet star. The characteristic of the character was very special. It became a popular male lead and is a complete hit.

Except for the field of singing, Yang Xi has no innate qualifications. On the road of hosting and acting, he has gone further and further step by step. In just a few years, he has reached the front line, and it is not supported purely by traffic, but by establishing a foothold in the circle with his works.

There is a fixed number for what some people can have in their lives. When this fixed number is exceeded, they have to pay a higher price than they imagined. Although Yang Xi has career luck, his destiny is somewhat bumpy, but he has a Celestial Master brother, and his path is naturally much smoother than that of ordinary people. 

At the same time, he also pays what he should pay. He donated 20% of his annual net income to charity, and he will never follow any irregular procedures. Although he didn't have to examine himself three times every day, he will always calm himself down every once in a while, so as not to be confused by the bustling entertainment industry.

Although he didn't get together with his former roommates often over the years, they would have a few meals together every year, chat about life, and reflect on the past. 

Probably because he was afraid that they could not maintain their original intentions and go astray, Wen Ran would occasionally share some insider gossip in their groups that even they themselves don't know about.

Such as who is suddenly covered in scandal, it's not that they offended someone and blocked someone's way, as some netizens say. But because it's bad luck to simply provoke something they shouldn't provoke. 

Such as someone had an accident on set or while recording a program, it was not an accident, but they enshrined something that should not have been enshrined and suffered backlash.

There are too many such things in the circle, ranging from serious injuries to death. There are also people who ask the Master for instructions to avoid obstacles. In the end, they can only stay for awhile and finally fall so hard that they can't get up.

With Wen Ran often warning them in their ears, even if they were surrounded by flowers, they did not dare to be distracted at all and walked honestly one step at a time.

Among the four of them, after Wen Ran, Yuan Cixuan was the next to get married. His wife was an outsider and a lawyer. 

The beginning of the story was very dramatic. It was a car accident, the woman rear-ended him. Or so Yuan Cixuan thought.

On the wedding day, he found out that the woman's car was driving next to him before the accident. She happened to turned her head and glanced out her car window and saw him, then she slowed down and followed him slowly. Then she bumped into him, successfully got his phone number, and successfully became the madame of his house.

Yuan Cixuan's wife's surname is Guo, and her name is Guo Yajun. She is a wonderful contradiction of a vigorous and resolute person with a bit of shrewdness and with a bit of a girl charm. 

In short, this woman has Yuan Cixuan under control. She can handle and takes good care of all of Yuan Cixuan's legal matters. Yuan Cixuan is not the kind of person who only covets the care of others. When he is working, he focuses on his career, and when he is not working, he acts as the family caregiver. 

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