Chapter 224 - Breaking the Tribulation [02]

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A few more little ants came into his world, Han Yulin naturally noticed it immediately. He had spent nearly a hundred years to completely transform this corpse raising ground, and he planned to set up this reversal formation. How could he let others destroy it?

Looking at Qi Yunjing who was still struggling, Han Yulin kindly informed: "The boy who was with you on the ghost bus is here. He must be your lover. He came faster than expected. Your relationship is really good. Say, in the face of death, will your love still be so loyal?"

Qi Yunjing: "You are indeed Qu Ruotong."

Han Yulin smiled: "It's just a half-ghost body suitable for me to parasitize. Once he was born, he was destined to die. 

"In fact, the second son of the Qu family is the target I have been planning. Unfortunately, his body is too weak. I can only settle with the third son and try to strengthen his power. Originally, I want to use his body to regain control of my destiny, but you went to destroy it all. 

"But it is not end to the road. When I saw you in the ghost bus that day, I knew that my best chance was here." Han Yulin said, looking at Qi Yunjing with burning eyes: "What was originally one step away from success was ruined by your little Celestial Master. Now I use you to make up for it. It's only fair."

Qi Yunjing: "The undead game cannot be yours alone. Who are your accomplices?" If his ability was really so powerful that he was as omnipotent as a god, he wouldn't have gone so much trouble to find a body now.

Han Yulin looked at Qi Yunjing a little strangely: "Why are you so obsessed with the undead game? It is just an appetizer and to give some people the process of adapting to the new world in advance. 

"People in the future will not be afraid of death, no longer need to face separation, no longer need to be oppressed by power. One's own strength will determine everything. 

"This extraordinary ability is no longer only possessed by a small number of people. The more people get it, the more they can control. Isn't it nice to no longer have to be a lackey of the government?" Han Yulin said. 

He seemed to be very satisfied with the new world he built, "You can find your relatives, your lover, and everyone you love again. Everyone you have lost, even if they are no longer alive, they can still be with you forever. How wonderful."

Qi Yunjing: "And you will become the only god in the new world?"

Han Yulin smiled, especially when he saw the two blood moons in the sky gradually overlap. As soon as the formation is activated, no one can stop him. The gods have fallen, and the new god's throne will be occupied by capable person. People today have no faith, so he will create a faith for them!

Qi Yunjing couldn't understand this kind of person's thoughts and behaviors. Just like Wen Ran said, if he could understand, he would be thinking like a madman. 

Thinking of Wen Ran, Qi Yunjing frowned slightly. He thought he had the ability to protect Wen Ran from the wind and rain, but he was still dragged down in the end.

A sound broke through the air, and Han Yulin waved his robe and easily put aside the sharp arrow.

There are 10 people walking out of the mountain forest. 9 high-level Celestial Masters and one zombie. 

Han Yulin glanced at the zombie and sneered: "Really a guy who can't tell the difference between camps, actually working with humans."

Xiao Guai couldn't help but stepped forward: "Where is Tao Dian!"

Han Yulin ignored the zombie who couldn't tell the camp, and looked at Wen Ran: "We meet again, Master Wen."

Wen Ran looked at him with disgust: "You are dressed in black and half of your face is covered. Who are you? Are you so ugly that you can't be seen?"

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