III) Assemble

Start bij het begin

After about five minutes Annabeth tapped my shoulder.
"Leo Valdez, 12 years old, Mexican?" Is this him?" She asked.
"Yep, that's Leo alright?" I said.
"He's not in an orphanage, he's at his aunt's house" Annabeth said, I looked at her impressed as she blushed under my gaze. Peter quickly glared at me though and I sped up.
We walked over to the old brick house, we knocked on the door, twelve year old Leo answered with a smile on his face, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Hello, what are you looking for." Leo asked.
"Um, Leo, we need your help," with that, he looked at me in confusion. "Help? What kind of help?" I pulled Leo aside to talk.
"Leo, I'm from the future, I need you to come so we can save the world." He just started laughing at my words.
"Oh man, I was having a pretty bad day, that really cheered me up." He said in-between snorting laughter, while slowly opening his eyes. "But seriously what do you want."
He saw my seriousness and said, "Your joking right?"
"Nope" I said firmly.
"Oh, Kay, um, tell me one thing about myself."
"Your baby sitter did some weird stuff to you, you can make fire though your finger, you made a drawing when you were like five of a ship. The ship had a dragon head on it's helm." I said
He looked at me in shock,
"Um, ok, but only cuz I'm bored at home." He said, Leo always tries lightening the mood when things got too serious.

We all got back to the van once again.

We drove for a while, then stopped in Las Vegas, the four seemed to bond quite well through the journey. They were talking like they'd been friends for years at the end of it.
"Hey guys, I have to go somewhere really quick, ok? Please, don't move. Annabeth, your in charge."
"Hey, why am I not in charge, im you, come on, be a little bit baised."
"Because, I'm you, your not in charge. I don't trust myself now, you think I'll trust thirteen year old me? Your funny" I said the last part with heavy sarcasm.

I looked in through the window, I immediately saw who I was after.
I walked into the Lotus casino, i dashed towards the boy and girl as quick as I can carrying each of them in on hand trying not to spent even a minute in there, see, in this casino, time works really weirdly, you could be in there a minute, but an hour has passed in the real world.
I quickly ran out of the casino while they started screaming in confusion.
"Hey, hey, it's ok, your dad sent me." I said reassuringly.
They seemed to calm down a little with that, but they still looked at me unsurely.
I walked back to the van while talking with them.
"Hey, Nico, your dad told me you like Mythomagic, I like Mythomagic too." I said, I noticed Nico grinning from ear to ear. He's never smiled like this before, it's sad how much the kid has changed.
I reached the van, Annabeth talking with Piper cheerfully while Peter and Leo talked casually. They both got in too.
"Guys, this is Nico and his sister Bianca."
I felt my eyes get cloudy, as I saw Nico gripping his sisters hand getting into the van happily. I owe Bianca allot, she sacrificed herself for me. But I won't let her die this time, not again.

"Good job, keeping the heads on these twos bodies, Annie." I said pointing towards Peter and Leo.
"No problem, Percy, I wouldn't let this idiot out of my sight. Also, don't call me that, you know I don't like being called Annie." I chuckled slightly.
I know it sounds kinda weird but Annabeth was really pretty, back then, why didn't I like her then too? I'm starting to get a little restless thinking of a way to get back.

"One of our last destination, is camp Jupiter, but first we gotta pick up one last guy."
I said with jazz hands.
"I hope it's not too far, I'm starving" Peter said.
I just laughed at this, yep, this guy is definitely me.
"Ok, who wants McDonald's?" I said.
"Cuz we'll be on the road for a looooooong time. To San Francisco."
"Oh come on," Peter said.
We pulled up to a McDonald's and ordered,
"7 cokes, 1 happy mean, 5 McChicken's 1 McSalad, and 7 fries."
"Wow, you knew I was vegetarian, I guess you are from the future." Piper said surprised.
"Wow, your from the future?" Nico asked.
"How am I like in the future?"
"Well, you have a sister," but I was interrupted
"Yeah, I already know, Bianca" Nico said.
I felt the bile rising into my throat.
"Um, no, uh, I- I mean, Hazel, she's your half sister. She can't be with us on this adventure though." I said sadly.
"Why not?" Peter asked.
"Um, traffic?" I said, but it was more like a question.
"Bro, I could tell when your lying." He said unfazed.
I said he'd deeply, "She won't be here. Anyways you guys get some sleep, we'll buy more food as we go." I said.
"But I'm still hungry." Peter complained
"Of course you are." Me and Annabeth said in unison. Which made Leo and Piper laugh.

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