Lady Athena Holler- The tiara of the last duchess

Lady Athena Holler- The tiara of the last duchess

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Lady Davinia Holler- The tears of Volcano

Lady Davinia Holler- The tears of Volcano

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Lady Meitry Holler- The heart of Ruby

Lord Alex Holler & Lord Matthew Holler- The gold bow of lion

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Lord Alex Holler & Lord Matthew Holler- The gold bow of lion

Lord Alex Holler & Lord Matthew Holler- The gold bow of lion

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Lord Logan Holler- The cup of the last dragon

Lord Logan Holler- The cup of the last dragon

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Lord Clausius Holler- The painting of life

And last Lady Rose Holler- 'The last diamond of Athena'

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And last Lady Rose Holler- 'The last diamond of Athena'

And last Lady Rose Holler- 'The last diamond of Athena'

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"I can't believe he gave me this tiny locket!!!!! Where is the heart?? It's not even the size of an cockroach!!!" shouted Meitry.
"You should be happy Meitry because the size of my earnings are actually tears just like it's name," I said.
"Davinia at least you have two tears.I only have one," said sister Katrina.
"Girls you all at least got Jewels. Can someone tell me what am I going to do with this sword?? Where is the silver??? This handle???" screamed brother Ishak.
"You are asking what are you going to do with a sword. First tell me what am I going to do with a chessboard!!!!" screamed brother Henry even louder.
"At least we all received one thing each. What about Alex and Matthew???? Are they going to share a bow???" asked Meitry looking at them.
"What about Neel and Clausius there paintings aren't even real!!!" said sister Katrina looking shocked.
"Can someone tell me why did Rose received such big jewellery?" asked sister Athena.
"I knew it. Her mother must be a witch. She must have manipulated that bastard to give her daughter something nice and everyone else nothing. Why else he was still with her even after giving birth he left all our...."
"Brother Henry you shouldn't say such things!!" I said hastily.
"But what did brother Cedric got???" asked Matthew innocently.
"Doesn't he gets everything after all he is the new master of the house. He gets this palace," said Brother Ishak.
"You are right. It's us who will suffer. But whatever you say Davinia I still don't get why does Rose gets special treatment. I hate it.," said sister Athena.
"We should hate that bastard for doing this. Rose hasn't done anything wrong," I replied.
"You are too kind Davinia," said sister Katrina still looking in shock.

I'm not kind. I just want all of us to be safe. And that's why I will never hate her. And I will never let anyone else hate her also. But I didn't knew my thoughts would change so quickly.....

I ENDED UP AS A DUKE'S 7TH CHILD Where stories live. Discover now