Chapter Twenty-Five: Olive Branch

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With eyes fixed on the bed, Kincaid slid the door closed behind him.

Sitting up with a glare that could scorch Naerian, Reid watched the General with unwavering narrowed eyes.

Kincaid couldn't read the human's face, it was too wiped clean of anything other than calm hatred. Even now, Kincaid couldn't help but admire the beauty he saw there as well. Something about the defiant curve of those lips, the flushed tinge in that russet colored skin, the halo of wild black curls, and the dangerous glint in those large brown eyes ignited something deep that he was fighting hard to suppress.

Just as Kincaid had predicted, this would not be easy.

He had to offer the humans something, what their kind referred to as an "olive branch". Strange saying, one of the many mysterious of their species.

"I will...get your chain extended," Kincaid started, scanning the creature before him and the bond that tethered them together for some sort of reaction.

It was rock solid. The human gave him nothing.

Refusing to admit defeat, Kincaid took slow measured steps toward the chair he used to occupy. It had been weeks since last visited. Would it be strange for him to resume?

As much as he didn't want to, there was merit in spending time together. He could not talk, could not learn, if he continued to avoid.

Taking a seat, he faced his pair and stared. The silence was thick...charged, heading in a direction he did not want to lead it.

Clearing his throat, Kincaid attempted another offering. "Is there...any human food you wish to eat?"

Once upon a time, Reid had revealed to him information about his kind and how they could not survive on broth alone. That they needed certain nutrients to remain healthy. It was when information was more readily given, perhaps he could remind the human of that time. At least, that was the goal.

But the blank expression on the redrya's face said otherwise. Still, Kincaid had yet to draw an answer from him.

With a sigh, Kincaid tries a different approach.

"You have told me before about your human birthing ceremonies. I wish to know more."

Kincaid was fully prepared for that unchanging glare, but instead saw an opening in the way the human's eyes tightened ever so slightly. Paired with a slight twitch of his lips.


Kincaid continued. "As you know, it is imperative that we are successful in our hatchings, but our methods...they prove unreliable."

Reid's face twisted into a sneer. The hate in his eyes grew hotter, fiercer. If he had been capable, Kincaid was sure he would have been crushed under his aura. Yet, underneath the obvious distaste, was something else.


Different from before, after witnessing the Laying. Every alarm rang through Kincaid's blood that there was something there to be explored.

"If you intend to force yourself on me again, know that I will blast you into pieces and not even the King will be able to revive you from ruin."

Of course the first words Kincaid is allowed to hear from his pair is a blistering threat. Though he feigned nonchalance, there was no doubt that the ice on his neck proved the warning struck true.

"I will not force you again. It does not serve my interest," Kincaid tried to reassure.

Reid's eyes narrowed to slits. "That's what you said last time."

That was true. But things were different now. The idea of siring a clutch with a member of the Rebellion was bewildering enough that Kinciad would not take the risk again. He'd deal with his brother's demands another time.

"Nevertheless, my intention isn't to mate with you. The experience proved...unpleasant."

Reid bristled and somehow, Kincaid felt like he had taken a step off a cliff with his wings bound.

Before the human could open his mouth again, Kincaid rushed to continue speaking.

"My intentions are to learn how humans birth and raise their young so that we may combine our ways and increase the survival of the clutches created."

Reid was silent, staring at Kincaid suspiciously before asking, "Without hurting humans?"

Kincaid frowned. "Redrya are necessary to replenish our numbers. We will not harm them."

The look on the human's face was hard to decipher. Dumbfounded was a foreign word to Kincaid, yet he could not find another in his own language that may describe it.

"You harm humans all the time. You slaughter them mercilessly. Enslave them. Beat them. Rape them. Eat them. Yet you stand there and say you don't harm us?"

There were many things Kincaid was unsure about in that accusation but dismissed them as pointless tales passed along amongst redrya. But one thing he couldn't let go.

Kincaid glanced down at himself then back at Reid with a frown. "I am sitting?"

Reid roared, launching himself forward with fury fueling him. The shackles locked him in place, a grim reminder of exactly what he had stated.

Kincaid cleared his throat. "I misspoke. It is my intention not to cause unnecessary harm to redrya anymore. It would be more beneficial to me if the redrya and Naerians could resolve this...hatchling issue."

"I'm failing to see why I should help you?" Reid snarled, but Kincaid noted thankfully that the human had calmed down enough to sit back again.

"Because you have grown fond of Pelryn's pair, yes? He will bear a clutch."

Reid paled, eyes wide. His lower lip quivered slightly before a soft whisper escaped. So soft, Kincaid almost missed it.


Kincaid nodded once.

"Confirmed last week."

Before Reid could fully process the information, a burst of Gemma dust appeared in the doorway a few feet from where Kincaid sat.

For different reasons entirely, both Reid and Kincaid's eyes widened in horror.

Because from that cloud, emerged Nayavu. 

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