Chapter 25: The Well-Wisher

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"I think I'm in love with you", Yugyeom said.

Chaeyoung was dumbfounded and all she could say was "I'll get back to you later. sorry" and she fled.

The moment she reached her dorm, she couldn't cease the restlessness of her mind. It was messed up. She had a lot going on around. "Why do guys come up with the "I love you" statement the moment they become friends with a girl?" she was frustrated and upset. A part of her felt guilty for just running away, and another part of her kept asking herself, "how many hearts are you gonna break?" Chaeyoung couldn't stop herself from feeling down. She didn't know how to calm herself. But the only thing that she was sure of was that she doesn't like Yugyeom back. Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to confront him about this. 

The next thing Chaeyoung decided to do was text Mina about all this. Not just text, she called her directly. 

"Minaaa.. I don't know what to do"

"Just tell him directly."

"It's not easy, man! I need a way to tell him"

"Chaeyoung, how long are you gonna keep running away from him? You have to tell him one day right?"

"Yeah but.."

"Just tell him directly. Go and say that you are not looking for a relationship or that you don't feel the same way"

"I think I'll just tell him I don't want to date anyone right now"

"Alright. Go with it and all the best"

They cut the call. Talking to Mina really did help Chaeyoung calm down. She decided to talk to Yugyeom the next day"




"See.. uhmm.. you are a great friend. but then I don't really want to date anyone right now."

"Okay.", Yugyeom replied with a smile.

"We can still be good friends right!"

"Just tell me when you are ready", and he walked off. Chaeyoung was left dumbfounded again.




"NOW WHAT SHOULD I DOOOO?!?", Chaeng screamed out on call with Mina that night.

"Bro you are gonna blast my ears off. Calm down, human."

"This is why I don't make friends. Few days of proper friendship and they think I like them"

"Soo what are you gonna say now?"

"I don't know.. I'll think about it. It's just too much of pressure. I just want to sleep now. Good night, Minari. AND thank you. For listening to me", Chaeyoung said sleepily.

"That's alright. Good night, Chaeng"

And Mina cut the call. She didn't know what more to say when she clearly loves Chaeyoung. The fact that Chaeyoung is a pansexual also made her insecure thinking that Yugyeom is far better than herself. However, Chaeyoung is still her friend and she wants to help her friend. That was her priority now. Mina was ready to hide her feelings for helping her friend with anything.




It was 9 pm on a cold Friday. Mina was reading a book when she was alerted by the vibration of her phone. It was Somi.



"I.. uhhh.. well.."


"What is it though? Why the sudden call?"

"DUDE! I happened to eavesdrop the conversation Chaeng was having with Yugyeom. "

Mina's heart sank. She was ready to accept anything. She just need to protect her heart.

"It's nothing to worry about, Minari. I called you for some good news. Probably I suppose," Somi consoled her sensing some tension.

"What did Chaeng say?", Mina enquired.

"Apparently Yugyeom wanted Chaeyoung to tell him how long he should wait. I mean, you know, this was expected. Chaeyoung then told him that she likes someone else. The guy stayed silent and disappointed. He kept asking her if he's got any chance. He was SOOO DESPERATE! Then she told him that if at all she gets ready for a relationship again, she might get back with her ex. AHHH! SEEEE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!", Somi couldn't contain her excitement.

"But you are her ex too..", Mina sighed.

"Oh. I didn't think about that."

There were few moments of silence which was soon broken by Somi.

"I for sure think she meant you. Whenever we meet, Chaeng can't stop speaking about you. You are soooo dear to her and she's extremely fond of you. I mean, think about it, Mina. Why else will she speak about you to me? You know Chaeng and I are back to being good friends. Trust me, Minari!"

Mina didn't know what to say. Her heart throbbed more than ever, but she had to contain herself because she didn't want her hopes to be raised falsely. 

However, Mina spoke up her mind, "Oh.. That's nice.. I guess? But can I ask you something, Somi?"

"Go on!"

"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? I mean, you are her ex. Why are you so kind to me?", Mina was tearing up. 

They were silent until Somi heaved a sigh and said,

"Because, you deserve her, more than anyone else."

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