Chapter 6: Her Happiness

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The whole night, Mina stayed with Chaeyoung so that she could do something, atleast try to do something to make her feel better.

The next day at school, Mina thought to meet Somi during her lunch time.

"Somi, can we talk for a moment", Mina said to which Somi agreed.

Mina led her to the school playground.

"Why did you do this??", Mina questioned in a tone of anger, which she hardly ever had.

"Did what?"

"Break up with your Chaeyoung?!"

"I just did it 'cause I have to focus on my studies first. I need to have a good career, you know!"

"If this was your priority, you should have told her earlier, and definitely not after an year!", Mina broke out of anger.

"Heyy... chill.. why do you seem so worried about it??"

"Have you ever thought how she would be feeling?", Mina sighed.

"Yep, I know she probably feels bad. But break ups aren't rare. It happens you know. If I can move on quickly, then of course she can"

Mina was shocked by how ignorant Somi seemed. She almost felt to cry. Somi was just about to leave, when Mina held her by her arm and said, "Can you please get back to her?"

Somi seemed quite worried on seeing Mina's filled eyes. However, she answered, "Mina, I told you, I'm out of my feelings. Even if I get back to her, I might back out later on, and that's gonna hurt her more. It's better to stay honest, you know. There are many people in this world. She will find a better one for sure, who is ready to be there for her for the rest of her life. I am really sorry. I know this aint enough, but I am sorry for being like this..."

Somi left after patting her shoulders in a way asking her to not get worried about it.

Even after reaching home, Mina couldn't stop thinking about it. She couldn't stop her tears. She felt really bad for Chaeyoung. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock. She was so not in the mood that she said "Come in", without even asking who it was.

It was Limario.

Seeing his sister so gloomy, he sat beside her and said, "I've been noticing you for the whole day, since your birthday, to be honest. What's up?"

"Nothing", Mina said unenthusiastically.

"I won't believe that of course. Never hide anything from your Limo, now be a good girl and tell me", Limario said poking her nose.

"Life's not good"

"What happened to your life"

"Oppa... Somi broke up with Chaeyoung"

Limario was shook for a moment, "She went to the terrace coz..."

"Yeah..", Mina said, tears rolling out of her eyes.

"But she definitely seemed to be better by the end of the day, especially after you checked on her", he said. Mina nodded.

He then remembered something and said, "But Mina... don't try to lie.. but.. you like Chaeyoung, don't you?" Seeing his smirk, she said getting irritated, "Oppa.. I'm not in the mood."

"I know lol. But I need an answer to my question. Isn't that true?"

"I... I don't know.."

"I can see you developing a teeny tiny crush on her", this sentence made Mina smile a bit. "See.. you smiled, that proves it", he was happy.

"Oppa... maybe I do like her.. but I didn't want this to happen to her. She is really hurt, oppa"

"Ahh.. but it will take time you know. What if she finds someone who will stay for her no matter what. Oh yeah! What if it's you?"Lim smirked as usual.

"OPPA!!", Mina couldn't stop blushing, so she covered her face with her pillow.

"Hehe.. I see the blush. But anyway Minari, I'll say one thing for sure. If you ever be her girlfriend, you are gonna look after her like no one ever did", Lim said proudly seeing how selfless and concerned she is about Chaeyoung.

"Thank you, oppa", Mina smiled, "But I just wish she remains happy with whomever she is"

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