Chapter 20: Rewind

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Mina couldn't concentrate on her classes. Her mind was filled with Chaeyoung. She wanted to meet her as soon as possible.

Once the class ended, Mina checked her phone. Chaeyoung hasn't read her messages yet. Her heart dropped a beat on seeing that. She tried calling her Chaengie a lot of times, but all went in vain...

She had no other option than to wait for Chaeyoung to come back to school the next day. But instead, she thought to visit her at least before the next working day.

On arriving at Chaeng's place, her brother received Mina.

"Can I see Chaeyoung? I'm her... friend", Mina said.

Her brother asked her to sit inside. And then he went to call Chaeyoung. But not long after, he returned and told Mina, "Noona told me she will meet you at school tomorrow and that she wants some time alone..... Don't know what happened to her all of a sudden though..."

Mina never expected Chaeyoung to avoid her as well. But she had no other option other than nodding, trying her best to hide her tears.

The next day, Mina was off to school early. She couldn't sleep well the previous night. She wanted to see Chaeyoung so badly and make sure she gets better.

She made a beeline toward Chaeyoung's class. While she was on her way, she saw that her Chaengie was on her way to her own class too. That's when their eyes met. On seeing Mina, Chaeyoung just turned and started walking off to the playground instead of the classroom.

Mina couldn't handle this anymore. She followed her and tried to block her, by pulling her arms.

"What's wrong?", Mina questioned her, tearing up.

"Nothing", came the reply with no eye contact.

"Instead of just ignoring my texts, can you please tell me what happened!? ATLEAST PLEASE DON'T GHOST ME LIKE THIS!!", and that was the limit. Mina couldn't stop her tears at all.

On seeing her cry, Chaeyoung said, "Okay.. I'll say.. it's just the nightmare... and I dont know why that keeps triggering me... I dont want to lose you, Mina! And you do know that!", Chaeyoung finally said it out, tearing up.

"And ignoring me and avoiding me everytime, didn't give you the fear of losing me?! You know that you overreacted to this, right?," Mina said, feeling upset.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW I FEEL!? It's me who saw the nightmare, not you. I don't want anything to happen to us. I want us to be... forever....", Chaeyoung almost lost her balance saying this.

Mina then took a deep breath and held Chaeng's hand and took her to the washroom.

She made her sit on the exact same chair, where Chaeyoung had made Mina sit to cover up her lovebite. Then she held her cheeks and said, "Chayoungiee, you know that you are my favourite person in this world. And that no one is more important to me than you. And you know I will never let you go. Please don't let these nightmares affect you so much. I am still with you right? I'll forever be by your side, no matter what. My feelings will never change..." Then she landed a kiss on her forehead. Chaeyoung heaved a sigh and smiled, nodding. She just wished they lasted forever.

But little did she know that her overthinking would take over her.

Chaeyoung kept thinking about everything the entire night: how she met Mina, how they got close, and how they started falling for each other. That's when something clicked in her mind: she got closer to Minari when she was going through her breakup with Somi. And this piece of information was more than enough to put Chaeyoung in a dilemma.

"What if this isn't love? What if this is just an infatuation?", Chaeyoung just kept thinking and finally began to feel something else, "What if... what if Mina was just a distraction from Somi?"

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