Epilogue - 10 Years Later

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13-year-old Nam Jihyun sat in the school courtyard with her friends, Hong Chaewon and Yang Jeonghee. The school bell rang five minutes ago, and everyone waited for their rides.

"No, Chaewon, Y/n rode the bullet train on Mars, not Earth!"

"Wasn't there something on Earth that exploded, though?"

Jihyun giggled, watching her friends debate over the famous story. It was known as "Farewell, Neverland;" the story of how two teens from Mars discovered Earth, helped restore it, and saved it from destruction. Even after 10 years, the tale was still widely read, known, and told. There was even a version for younger children. Choi Yeonjun, one of the teens and Jihyun's guardian wrote the book.

Chaewon tsked and shook her head at something Jeonghee had said. She then turned to Jihyun. "Hey, Ji, I've been wondering about something. Why don't you call Mr. Choi, 'Dad?' Isn't he technically your parent?"

"Hm," Jihyun began, "well, I always saw Yeonjun as an older brother, and he's seen me as a little sister. It's a non-awkward, mutual sibling type of relationship. I know he knows best because he took and raised me after my parents died. He didn't have to do that."

"Wow," said Jeonghee. "It must be amazing to have Choi Yeonjun as your guardian, Ji. Not only did he write and is a part of "Farewell, Neverland,' but he's also the leader of the Seoul Compound!"

"Yes, he is." Jihyun nodded.

10 years ago after Im Yoona's attack, Yeonjun stepped up to lead the people of the Seoul Compound. With a science background, he already had ideas in his head. It took a lot of work, but the results proved successful.

"Does that mean you'll become the next leader of the Seoul Compound then?" Chaewon joked.

"Oh, no! That way too big of a role for me to take!" Jihyun laughed, waving her hands in disagreement.

"Well, I think you would be a great leader."

The three girls gasped when they heard the voice from nearby. It was Choi Yeonjun, looking sharp as ever. His hands sat in the pockets of his khakis, wearing a white t-shirt and a black jacket. He didn't look like he led a compound, which was what the people liked. Yeonjun blended in with the crowd.

"Hi, Mr. Choi!" Chaewon and Jeonghee greeted in unison.

Yeonjun waved. "Hey, ladies. How's school going?"

"Good, I guess," Chaewon replied.

"We have to prepare for exams now, so our teachers keep piling homework," Jeonghee added.

"Exam times, I sure don't miss those," Yeonjun chuckled, looking at Jihyun. "Ready to go, Ji? Remember we have to stop somewhere before getting home."

"Yes," said Jihyun, standing up from her seat on the bench and adjusting her backpack.

Once Jihyun said her goodbyes to her friends, she and Yeonjun climbed into the black vehicle and began to their destination.

It was hard to believe Earth was an ill planet over a decade ago. Now, it looks as if nothing has happened. Jihyun couldn't remember how bad the planet's condition was, but she knew that Yeonjun had become the leader and successfully brought the Seoul Compound and others out of their depression.

Secretly, Jihyun wanted to do the same: lead a compound just like Yeonjun did. The idea of helping people and the planet inspired her, to want to make a difference. Jihyun studied hard in her classes; she wanted to have as much knowledge as possible to become a leader.

A few minutes later, Yeonjun parked the car at the cemetery, grabbing a bouquet of white roses from the back seat. It was the 10th anniversary of Im Yoona's attack, the day that many people died.

Yeonjun followed Jihyun, walking to the first headstones. Jihyun knew where they were located, knowing it by heart.

The two stopped at the pair of graves labeled Park Yurim and Nam Kiyoung. Jihyun didn't remember her parents or their voices. And since photos were destroyed in the attack, she didn't have any way to see their faces.

Yeonjun seized two white roses from the bouquet, handing them to Jihyun. Jihyun then lowered herself to the ground, placing one of each rose on her parents' headstones.

The air was silent around the two as they honored the former leaders. After a minute or two, Jihyun spoke up first. "I think my parents would be happy to know you raised me in their place."

"You think so?" Yeonjun asked softly.

"Of course. I don't have any complaints; Yeonjun. You're the best big brother/guardian/father anyone could ask for. And this may be weird, but am I crazy for loving my parents even though I don't remember their faces or voices?" the girl turned to the man with an expression of confusion and wonder.

Yeonjun shook his head, smiling. "Not at all."

Jihyun smiled back, standing up as the two made their way to the final headstones of their visit. This time, the last headstones read Im Y/n, Park Jihoon, and Im Yoona."

Yeonjun placed one white rose on each of the graves. He did yours last, saying a little prayer and reminiscing the memories he made with you. Yeonjun also reminisced on his parents, Taehyun, and Kai, and how they helped them on their journey of saving Earth.

Jihyun waited until Yeonjun stood up from his kneeling position. "I'm surprised you're not crying over Y/n's grave this time. I'm not trying to be mean or sarcastic or anything."

Yeonjun sighed. "No, you're good, Ji. Knowing Y/n, she would get annoyed and call me a crybaby. She would also want me to move on."

"As in moving on and finally going on a date?" Jihyun asked, stunned. "You're 27 years old, which is approximately 30. There's a lot of women who want to date you; trust me."

"Well, I have one woman in mind, but I'm afraid. What if she rejects me?"

"Yeonjun, you won't know unless you ask. And if she rejects you and ends up treating you like dirt because of that, I'll beat her up for you."

The man ruffled Jihyun's hair. "Silly girl. If you do that, both of us will get in trouble."

They both laughed, forgetting about the scene around them for a moment. Once it went away, Jihyun spoke again. "Yeonjun?"

"Yes?" replied the man.

"Can you tell me more about your life on Mars? I heard bits and pieces from other people, but not from you much."

Jihyun looked up at the bright blue sky. "It's so cool there are other planets around us with people living on them. It would be nice to explore one day."

Yeonjun just stared at her. Jihyun got scared and thought she had said something wrong when Yeonjun laughed.

"I'll tell you about Mars when we get home. There are a lot of stories. Let's walk to the car, shall we?"

Yeonjun laughed at the sigh of relief Jihyun did. They got back inside the car and buckled their seatbelts.

"You're not mad about me saying wanting to explore space one day?" Jihyun questioned.

Yeonjun pressed the button turning on the vehicle. "If you do explore space, take me with you. I haven't gone back to Mars since the attack. It would also be nice to my old home."

Jihyun grinned.

"Of course."

It's been a long 8 months since I started this book. I first came up with the idea in 7th grade. The original title was called, "Living on Mars," and last year, I was like, "why not turn it into a fanfiction?"
Thank ya'll so much for reading this. Just writing this book made me realize that I need to work on one book at a time lol.
In the meantime, check out my other books and look out for others in the future! And sorry for the sad ending! It's for the plot!
And funny how the story began 10 years ago and ended 10 years later ;)


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