Chapter 16: Flashback of Your Father

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You didn't remember what happened after that.

All you remembered was getting dizzy and blacking out. Yeonjun was shouting your name, but you couldn't respond. It was like your voice got caught inside your throat.

When you finally opened your eyes, you were back on the dusty and polluted planet of Earth. You were pulling a suitcase and following behind Yoona. A rocket ship stood ahead. You looked down at your hands and noticed that they were smaller. Have I gone back to my younger self? Did I travel back in time? You asked yourself.

Your thoughts were stopped when a tiny voice spoke from your lips. "Momma, why are we leaving Earth?"

"Because Earth is a dangerous place now," Yoona replied. "It's important for everyone to move to Mars since it's a safer planet." 

"But I got used to the air here. It'll feel weird breathing the air on a different planet." 

"No, Y/n, we're not staying."

"But Dad's staying. He said he's going to save Earth. Why can't I save Earth with him?"

Yoona abruptly stopped and turned around, making you bump into her. A scary expression was on her face. "We have had this conversation more than once: we're not staying on this filthy planet! It can't be saved! Anyone who tries to save it is an idiot!"

"That's not nice, Momma!" you shouted. "Dad is not an idiot! He's a scientist just like you!"

"Im Y/n, don't you raise your voice at me! You're only seven years old!"

"Apologize for calling Dad an idiot!"

"I'm not apologizing because it's the truth!"

"Well, guess what, Momma? You're an idiot too! Why do I have to live with you and not Dad? He's a much nicer person than you!"  "You take that back, Im Y/n!" "No, because it's the truth!"

You threw your suitcase on the ground and ran away, bawling. Yoona called out your name, but you didn't turn around. She never ran after you. Instead, Yoona picked up your suitcase and walked to the rocket ship. "Why did I give birth to that girl?" Yoona grumbled. "She gets mad at me but always comes back and apologizes."

Your father, Park Jihoon, worked at the same lab where Yoona worked. Yet, they were in different buildings. You went to your dad's building every time you got in trouble with Yoona. Jihoon would cheer you up and give you snacks and candy from his office. Your mother always picked you up when she was done; she knew you were with Jihoon. Even though you never wanted to leave, Jihoon made you. He didn't want to deal with his ex-girlfriend. 

Your father was walking out of his lab when he suddenly saw you running towards him. "Y/n?"


Jihoon extended his arms, and you jumped into them, crying your eyes out. He picked you up and carried you inside the building. He sat on his office chair and held you on his lap, rubbing your back and shoulders. Once you calmed down, Jihoon asked what had happened.

"Momma called you an idiot because you were staying to save Earth, so I called her an idiot, too! I don't want to leave you, Dad! I want to stay and help you save Earth!"

"That's not nice to call your mother an idiot, Y/n." Jihoon said, "And I know you want to stay on Earth, but Momma won't allow it."

"Then ask her!"

"It 's not that easy."

You wiped your eyes as more tears continued to pour. "And I won't be able to talk to you while I'm on Mars."

Farewell, Neverland (Choi Yeonjun x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu