Chapter 20: Betrayed and Caught

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I knew Y/n and Yeonjun were fixing the rocket and planning to go to Earth; I had to wait for the right moment to catch them.

"Y/n?" I said. "Why are you trying to go to Earth and find your father? He could be dead."

Y/n shook her head. "Even if he is dead, I want to know if people are still living on Earth. I also want to know about this plant, the one that gave me back my memories."

Y/n reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a plastic bag. I squinted my eyes and saw a tiny plant.

I scowled. I remembered years ago when Jihoon took a plant from Y/n when she wasn't looking. He brought it into his lab, and I tried to follow him, but he closed and locked the door. I wasn't going to argue with Jihoon about some silly plant.

"I found this before leaving Earth," Y/n added. "It was a sign that Earth could be saved."

"That's stupid, Y/n," I said. "Earth is a dead planet. I demand you to climb down that ladder this instant."

"No!" Yeonjun, get the rocket ready for liftoff."

"Right away."

Yeonjun disappeared inside the rocket, and Y/n started to climb the ladder again. I sighed. "You're going to regret this, sweetheart. More people are going to get killed because of you."

That made Y/n stop. "W-what do you mean?"

I smirked. "People are dying because of you. I had to kill your friend Huening Kai at the front gate."

"You killed Kai?"

"Yep. Huening Kai was about to warn you all that I was here, which would be not following my orders. That's why I had to kill him. I had to kill his sisters, too; they were too annoying, pleading for their brother's safety."

"You monster!" shouted Y/n.

I chuckled. "Shall I continue?"

"Yoona," Taehyun warned, placing his hand gently on my shoulder. "I don't think that's-"

"Yeonjun, I killed your parents as well."

That made Yeonjun appear. "M-my parents?" I could see tears forming in his eyes.

I was enjoying this, so I continued. "Mmhm. Your father was about to disobey my orders, and your mother kept asking too many questions."

"But they weren't bad people! Why did you have to kill them?"

"Do you want to know what your father, Huening Kai, and Taehyun have in common?"

I saw Y/n and Yeonjun looking at Taehyun. He had his head peeking down.

"All three of them were and are my spies. Choi Minsu's mission was to leave you two on the bullet train, while Taehyun and Huening Kai's mission was to save you from the bullet train and bring you to Hellas Basin Crater."

"Mom?" said Y/n. "How did you find out about our plan?"

"I know everything, sweetheart," I said, laughing. "I'm the one who got everyone to move to Mars after all. I'm the one that made everyone forget about Earth. I'm the one that controlled you and Yeonjun like puppets. You may think you outsmarted me, but I was always one step ahead."

I reached from behind my back and pointed my gun at the teens. Seeing the signal, my bodyguards came from their hiding spots to my sides.

"I'll have to kill you and Yeonjun because you two know too much information. If you two had followed the rules on Mars, we wouldn't be in this position."

"Yoona! Are you seriously going to kill your daughter?" Taehyun shouted. I rolled my eyes. With the snap of my fingers, two bodyguards grabbed Taehyun's arms and began pulling him away. His shouts continued until they couldn't be heard anymore.

"Yeojun, we need to leave now," Y/n said, knocking on the rocket to get Yeonjun's attention. He nodded, wiping his eyes. "That's a good idea," he said, reaching down his hand for Y/n.

Still holding my gun, I took small and slow steps toward Y/n as she climbed up the ladder and grabbed Yeonjun's hand. He pulled her into the rocket, closing the door.

My finger was on the trigger, waiting for a good time to shoot. I was close when suddenly fire and smoke blasted from the rocket, and the machine began to lift from its spot. I got knocked down from the impact, closing my eyes to shield them from the smoke.

When I opened them again a few seconds later, all that was left was smoke and the burnt area where the rocket blasted from. I could still hear the rocket loud and clear from the ground.

"Ms. Yoona, are you okay?" one of my bodyguards asked, helping me up.

"Yes, I am," I replied, dusting myself off.

I was planning on killing Y/n; I don't know what happened. I had my finger on the trigger, but I didn't shoot. I was hesitating for some reason.

Could my heart and head be on different terms? My head was telling me to shoot her, but did my heart still have love for Y/n? I didn't have time to worry about that.

"Change of plans," I said, beginning to walk outside. "We're following Y/n to Earth. I have a spare rocket underground near my office, so we'll take that."

"Are you still intending to kill Y/n and Yeonjun, Ms. Yoona?" another bodyguard asked.

I smiled.

"Of course."

Oooh scary!
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