Chapter 6: Touch the Plant

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Yeonjun noticed that you were a little quieter than usual.

In class, every time a teacher would ask a question, you were the first one to raise your hand. Everyone was first annoyed about it but soon became used to it. Your mom was a famous scientist, after all.

But today, you barely made any movements at all. You only wrote notes in your notebook. When the science teacher asked a question about storms on Mars, he and Yeonjun expected you to raise your hand. However, your eyes stayed glued to the notebook.

When the last bell of the day rang, Yeonjun ran to meet you at the usual meeting spot to walk home. "Y/n," said Yeonjun, "you've been very quiet today, and it's making me worried. Are you okay?"

You nodded, still not saying a word. "Y/n, please say something."

You still kept your mouth shut.

Yeonjun looked around and then grabbed your hand. He pulled you along the path and walked to a park near the high school. Once he found a bench in a quiet area, you both sat down.

You two sat quietly, watching the scenery and other people enjoying their time at the park. After a few minutes, Yeonjun looked at you. "Want to tell me what's bothering you, Y/n?"

You nodded. "Sorry, I've been so quiet and made you worry today."

"It's okay; take your time."

You explained everything;

You explained all the events from last night, starting with discovering the lab and ending with crying in your room.

When you mentioned that your mom would kill you if you become worse, Yeonjun's eyes grew in shock. "Your mother would kill you? The woman who gave birth to you?"

You nodded. "That's what my mom said. She also said your dad would do the same to you."

"Wow." Yeonjun couldn't describe his feelings in words; all he could think of was, "Wow."

You suddenly start to cry again. "Yeonjun, I'm scared to go home now, knowing my mom could kill me any second."

Your friend placed his hand on your back, moving it in circles. "I'll be honest; I'm scared, too, knowing about my dad. I could go home with you."

"I mean, I know I'm not that strong, but I can keep going home with you until you feel safe. Would you like that?"

You nodded. "Yes, yes, I would."

You unlocked the front door, and you and Yeonjun quietly walked inside. Yoona was typing on her laptop in the living room when she saw you two. "Oh, hey, Y/n and Yeonjun. I thought you two would be over at the other house."

"We got some homework to work on, plus we wanted a change of houses. We'll be in Y/n's room," said Yeonjun. "Okay. Let me know if you need any help."

"We will, Ms. Im."

Once you two got to your room, you closed the door and released a shaky breath. "It's so scary every time I see my mom now," you explained. "Her true intentions hide under that smile."

Yeonjun opened his backpack and took out his binder. "Well, we got homework to work on now. We need a distraction." "Yeah, that sounds-"

But before you could finish your sentence, the splitting headache came, making you drop your backpack and cover your eyes.

"Y/n! Y/n!"

Yeonjun's voice grew farther and farther away as you heard another voice inside your mind.

Touch the plant, touch the plant. It kept repeating. You knew what the voice was talking about.

You kept a green plant sitting on your window. It was in a small pot with two green leaves. You don't remember how and who you got it from; it was just there.

Using all your strength, you slowly opened your eyes and walked to the window. You pulled back the curtain and touched the plant. Suddenly, memories moved quickly in your head, like a movie.

You remembered drawing in the dirt and looking up at the polluted sky.

You remembered your mom reading you a book about Earth's original form, with blue skies and green grass.

You remembered digging the plant out of the ground, with Yeonjun trying to rush you to board the rocket ship.

You remembered Earth.


You opened your eyes (you didn't even know you had them closed). You were on the floor, lying on Yeonjun's lap. Once your friend saw you wake up, he smiled and touched your cheek. "Y/n, what did you see?"

You smiled back.

"I saw Earth."

I typed this all on Grammarly so I would revise and edit at the same time lol. Hope y'all like this chapter.
Oh, and thanks for 100 reads!
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