•Chapter 28•

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"What the fuck was that?", was the very first thing you heard as the door closed behind you.

Gina stood in the middle of the road, interrogating the tattooed man. It wasn't until they heard the front gate screech and scrape across the concrete that their heated exchange stopped all together. You hadn't broke stride on the way to the car, repeating the word 'Omaha' over and over again, blocking out any other thought.

Just before you reached for the door handle, Gina caught you by the shoulders. "Hey, hey. Look at me." She tried to study your face but it was hard to focus on anything but the blood. There was so much blood.

She didn't recognize the girl standing in front of her. It was as if you had turned your brain off, no sign of emotion crossed your face, eyes heavy and dark. "What happened in there?", she asked softly, loosening her grip just a tad.

You didn't answer right away. Everything pushed back to the forefront of your mind— so much— too much. You blinked away all but one thought, "Omaha.", you told her.

She hadn't quite caught it at first. What did Omaha have to do with the dead body on the floor? The blood, now drying, on your face? The reason the two of you were there in the first place went briefly forgotten— to find your sister.

She nodded, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Okay. Let's get you cleaned up, we'll pack and we'll go, okay?"

The tattooed man stepped forward, "y'all ain't going nowhere.", using that same monotone voice he seemed to be stuck on.

Gina whipped around, nearly smacking you in the face with her locks of golden hair. "Like hell, we're not."

He stood his ground underneath the fire blazing within her glare. "She's not.", he reiterated, nodding his head towards you.

Gina began berating the man, yet again, right there in the middle of the street. Your mind grew louder over her voice as you began connecting the dots. There were only so many people that looked like him. Where had you seen him before? Where had you seen the black Cadillac parked behind Gina's Honda? Why wasn't he going to let you leave? How is he here? Why did he save you?

"Rio.", you breathed aloud, though that wasn't the intention.

It went unnoticed— Gina continued arguing with the man as a hint of hope ignited within you. "Where is he?", you asked coming between the two of them.

He remained silent, stoic— you searching his face for answers. The closer you got to him, the clearer the memory became. "You were there that night.", it was more of a statement than an accusation.

It was hard to focus on anything but Rio and the gold plated pistol underneath your chin that night, let alone the men accompanying him. But as you stood toe to toe with him in that moment- all you could see was him holding a gun to your mother's head.

"You're still working for him. So you must know where he is, or you've got a way to talk to him.", this was more of an accusation.

Gina stood idly by, brows furrowed, more confused than she had ever been in her entire life. Only now, she's realizing this whole thing was a lot deeper than she thought it'd be. You held his eyes evenly, successfully matching his level of stoicism.

"You're not leaving the city.", he told you once again.

He clearly wasn't going to provide you with any details. Maybe he knew as much as you did. Or maybe he knew exactly where Rio went.

"I'm a grown ass fucking woman. I'll do as I damn well please.", you argued.

Mick stood there, realizing there wasn't anything on this planet that would have stopped you from going kamikaze on your way to Omaha. — and definitely not without dragging the crazy blonde with you. Ultimately, he sighed.

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