•Chapter 16•

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The word falls short of stirring you from your slumber. With an unintelligible mumble, you toss over to your side and pull the blanket up just under your nose. Your hair laid wildly strewn in the frame of your face and on the silk pillowcase tucked under your head. He couldn't help but wonder if this is how you always slept, tucked into the furthest corner of the bed, so deeply raveled into the blanket that you would almost have to be cut out of it. His hand rested on your arm, giving it a light shake.

Four out of your five senses abruptly snapped you from your much needed sleep as he spoke your name. The smell of the comforter- filling your nose with the notes of a vaguely familiar cologne. The way your name rolled from his mouth- sending unwarranted prickles of warmth throughout your body. His hand lightly grasping your arm. And finally, your eyes fluttered open to find Rio sitting on the edge of the bed- so close that he's nearly touching you.


You sprung upwards into a seated position in the cloud that was his bed, cheeks burning with enough intensity to nearly sear the skin.

"I'm up.", is the first thing out of your mouth- clearly you were awake.

His brows raised slightly as he took in the image of your disarray. There she is. Sleep seemed to have resurrected this you. He couldn't help but notice your attire after the blanket had fallen into your lap- his shirt. It became a battle within him to keep a straight face.

"You got court, wanted me to wake you up.", he explained as you brushed a strand of your disheveled hair behind your ear.

You nodded, eyes dancing around the room briefly. What the fuck happened last night? Why are you in his bed? You weren't exactly sure it was his- but who else's bedding held those specific notes of spice that you've only found in the scent of his cologne?

"Everything you need should be in the bathroom. Come talk to me after, yeah?"

He stood up, after receiving another nod from the girl with a face that favored a tomato in color. He sauntered out of the room without another word, taking the heat emitting from your cheeks with him. You sat for a few moments, staring at the room surrounding you, trying to process the gush of memories that flooded your mind. Recording, fire, tire-iron, handcuffs, cold cell walls, the warmth of his bed. That seemed to be the order in which the events fell last night, the snippets you do remember anyway. You stood up from the comfort of his bed, pushing your messy hair out of your face. One thing at a time.

You made his bed back neatly, reminding yourself that today was probably the most important day of your life. With everything else falling apart- you needed to win this. Just one big win- the most important win. As you padded into his bathroom, you forced back the idea of continuing life without your sister. It wouldn't happen. There was no way you weren't going to win- you had to. With a flick of the nearest light switch, white walls shone back at you, presenting the most pristine looking bathroom you had ever set foot in. On the white-marble counter laid a navy blue blouse, adorned with a grey blazer and matching slacks. Your fingers found the tags, seeing that they were in fact your size.

A slew of emotions coursed through your body as you met your own tired eyes in the mirror. Only now, you find his shirt to be loosely fallen over your torso. The black fabric suddenly felt as if it was constricting your airway. This was wrong on every level imaginable. The car, the phone, being in his bed, wearing his clothes, looking at the expensive court attire laid in front of you- this wasn't right. He held a gun to your head. He was the enemy.... Or was he? What enemy goes to these lengths? What enemy wakes you up for court?

One thing at a time.

You quickly shed the shirt and turned to the glass door of the shower, twisting the stainless steel knobs to the temperature of your liking. Water rained from the lavish shower head, emitting a bit of steam. You stepped into the nearly boiling water, hoping that it would rid you of his scent. Rid you of him.

𝘾𝙊𝘿𝙀𝙋𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀 - Rio x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن