•Chapter 22•

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Luis sat in the drivers seat of a stolen 2007 Nissan Versa. Hard breaths and sharp exhales filled the cab of the hatchback car under the blanket of the night. Rolling drops of crimson stained his arm. The bullet had barely nicked him. He couldn't help but to chuckle through the pain as he doctored the wound up with the first aid kit he found in the glove compartment.
His eyes trained on the large brick house sat in the only HOA neighborhood in Detroit. His blood stained watch read 4:38. Surely, his sister was awake at this hour. Sylvia was always something of a night owl. He couldn't help but to think the new addition of a toddler kept her up in the early morning hours.

Almost as if his brother had been watching— as soon as he finished tending to his wound, the burner phone rang in the passenger seat. He leaned over the center console and grabbed it with his good arm, recognizing the number immediately. He flipped the phone open and held it to his ear.

"Little past your bedtime eh, hermano.", Luis chuckled into the phone.

"You never called me back. Is Guillermo still on the right side of this?", Nathaniel wasted no time in prying for information.

Luis's eyes drifted to the bloodied gauze lying in the passenger seat. "Something came up."

Guillermo was Switzerland when it came to the fight between Detroit's most prominent gang families— your family and Rio's. After losing almost all of his men, Luis ventured out to go seek aid in this firefight, only to barely miss a bullet.

"Está en la cama con Delgado.", he regretfully told his brother.

A few moments of silence crackle through the phone line before loud bangs sound on Nathaniel's side. That same rage broiled within Luis as well.

Mátalo! ¡Matarlos a todos!", your father shouted into the phone.

Luis didn't take the outburst to heart, knowing that his brother was a bit dramatic at times. No one wanted the Delgado's and anyone associated with them dead more than Luis. While your father was impulsive, Luis was more cynical. Not only did he plan on killing them, he wanted them to suffer.

His eyes trained on Sylvia's husband rushing out the door of their house wearing that staple white coat. "In due time, hermano."

The white Lexus rolled out of the driveway and took off down the road, leaving her black SUV lonesome in the driveway. His attention trained onto the front door once again.

"el arte de la venganza es la paciencia."


The ball of nerves that had taken shape of your stomach tripled in size as your eyes laid on the door to your new apartment. It had been painted green just as Rio's had at the end of the hall. You mind trekked off of the task at hand, wondering if he had chosen this exact deep forest green or if it had been someone else. The paint looked relatively new— okay, stop stalling.

Your hand painstakingly wrapped around the handle. You knew there wasn't any danger on the other side. The reason for your unease still laid unbeknownst to you in the shallow waves beneath your subconscious. With a quick, timid push, the door swung open, revealing just a dark room. When your fingers found the light switch, you hadn't expected to find the space furnished. Let alone looking like it belonged in a magazine.

A long grey sectional sat in the middle of the living room atop a large white rug. White curtains laced the windows and the air hung with the faint scent of lemon. Guided by nothing more than curiosity, you ventured further into the space. A vase sat on the white marble island in the kitchen holding a few purple roses. You scanned further— a large TV, glass end tables, art on the walls. He really went all out.

𝘾𝙊𝘿𝙀𝙋𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀 - Rio x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora