Chapter Twenty-Three: Have a Shiny Day

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There was a pause, and when Dallas spoke again, he sounded a little nervous. "Why would he do that?"

"Oh, he does it every time I have a pap smear. He's pretty thorough," Antonia smirked. Like I said, he's pretty sure it's a bladder infection."

"And what causes that?"

"A few things, but the most likely for me is dehydration, sex, or holding my pee."

"I'm going to go with dehydration." His voice was back to normal now with a hint of relief. "I'm gonna get you one of those water bottles that connects to your watch and sends an alarm to remind you to drink."

"Oh! The ones that light up? I actually wouldn't mind that." Antonia smiled. "Listen, I hope your day gets better, but I gotta go in and eat before it picks up again."

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too." Antonia hung up and went inside with a massive smile on her face. That had gone better than she could have imagined. Pulling up the pictures of Dallas' office and him, she brought her phone over to Raven and Jynx and handed it to them gleefully. "He got the glitter bomb this morning."

They looked at the phone curiously and then burst into laughter. "Oh my god!" Raven choked out. "That's amazing!" Jynx was crying with laughter and leaning on the counter. D'Arcy, Posey and Jay came over to see what was so funny, and Antonia passed them the phone.

"Someone glitter bombed my Fiance." She wasn't quite ready to share exactly what was going on with everyone yet, and she really wasn't sure how Posey and Jay would react. They both really liked Dallas, and Jay, in particular, looked up to him. He was twenty-one and almost finished his double degree in Media and Communication and Graphic Design through Salem State University, but was now seriously considering taking the firefighters exam. When Antonia hired him three years previously, he had been a shy, nerdy kid who didn't have a lot of confidence but went through a bit of a glow-up in the last year or so, and she was pretty sure he and Posey were dating. She had noticed a couple of subtle signs, but they kept it professional in the store, so she didn't have a problem with it all and actually thought they were quite cute together.

"That's going to be a real pain to clean up," Posey observed with a small giggle. "Who sent it to him?"

"He thinks it was a guy who applied for and didn't get the lieutenant position, but we don't know," Antonia explained. Jay looked at the pictures with a smirk.

"Herpes of craft supplies." He handed her phone back to her with a shrug. Seeing the surprised look on their faces, he elaborated, "My little sister is obsessed with it; Mom hates it." Posey and Jay went off to check in on some customers, and Darcy took the phone and grinned.

"Poor guy." She handed the phone back to Antonia. "So when you come over tomorrow, you need to bring pictures of both him and Nola."

Antonia nodded, and Jynx looked up, wiping tears away. "What do you mean? Wait, no! I want to see!"

"Me too." Raven frowned. "I want in on this."

"Excellent." D'arcy looked excited. "It'll be much stronger with a full coven. Also, bring wine and come at or before 6:30. The first one has to be done at Sunset."

"Wait, are we all bringing wine?" Jynx grinned. "What I mean is, is this a drinking thing or a ritual thing?"

"I don't see why it can't be both."



Maverick pulled into a parking spot and watched as the Open sign clicked on. He was about to go in when he got a text from Antonia with four names, explaining that if Dallas was stripping and using a website, then these were his closest friends and were probably involved as well. Happy to have more names that would help him widen his search, he sent a text thanking her and got out of the car. Clipping Watson to his leash, he went inside and approached the young girl at the front desk. She looked up when he came closer and smiled when she saw Watson.

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