Chapter Fifteen: Nola

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*Copyright: All Rights Reserved, Stephanie Myrick, 2024. Posted to Wattpad ONLY*

Antonia was aimlessly flicking through a magazine about guitars when Nola finally walked in. She had pulled into the driveway and sat in her car for close to twenty minutes before she finally came in, which amused Antonia greatly. She had a feeling she was panicking and texting Dallas, but she wasn't too concerned about her half-sister's emotions right now. The door opened, and Nola walked in, looking around. Antonia could tell she was trying to appear unphased and aloof, but her nervousness underneath it was very apparent. Nola had never been a good liar.

"Well, you're the last person I expected to see." She dropped her keys in the bowl and turned to face her. Nola was beautiful but not Dallas's usual type. She was about Antonia's height, maybe an inch taller, and they had similar builds, both of them taking after their mother in that regard. But that was where their similarities ended. Nola's thick, curly red hair was long and unruly, something Antonia had been very jealous of growing up, and she had bright blue-green eyes. As a typical redhead, she had to be very careful about being in the sun, whereas Antonia would get the California golden glow and never burn. Nola looked so much like her paternal grandmother that their mom often said if she hadn't given birth to her, she wouldn't believe she had anything to do with her conception.

Antonia stood, picked up the gift bag from the side of the couch and approached her with an apologetic smile. She didn't feel anything when she looked at Nola. The jealousy that she had growing up that Nola had a dad and got to have those moments when she didn't, the fact that Nola had more in common with her mom than she did and was her "baby girl," but Antonia was the one forced to sacrifice everything for her while Nola was whisked away to live a normal life and didn't get saddled with the debt. She actually felt sorry for her because when this all came out - and it would, when Antonia was ready - She would lose a lot of people.

Her father would be livid; Howie was not great to Antonia; they never connected the way he wanted to, and he resented that she rejected his attempts to be her father but had done his best with what he was given. He also had a real problem with cheaters. His dad cheated on his mom, and he witnessed her mental breakdown and subsequent hospitalization when he was seventeen, which led him to punch his father, breaking his nose and telling him if he made things difficult for his mom, he would make him suffer, and he had told that story to both them numerous times growing up.

Most of Nola's friends would probably step back from her because they were in relationships/married, and if Nola pursued her sister's fiance, what was stopping her from going after their significant others? Her friend group started in elementary school and grew as they met more people throughout school and college, but there was the core seven of them. Recently, one of the seven had started an affair with a married man, and they had collectively cut her out for that reason. Her world would be rocked, and Antonia was happy to be the one who had set it in motion.

"I know. A few months ago, Dallas told me you helped him set up the proposal and asked me why I didn't make more of an effort with you. I explained my thoughts and feelings to him and asked him to leave it alone. He did, but it started me thinking, and I came to the realization I was holding a lot of resentment toward you for things that were out of your control and not your fault. So after a lot of self-reflection, I decided I needed to let it go and work toward having a better relationship with you." She paused and took a breath. Nola looked like a deer caught in the headlights and was frozen. "I'd like to sincerely apologize for the way I behaved and have been behaving. I made my issues about you, and it wasn't fair." She held out the bag. "And if you can find it in you to forgive me, I would like to start rebuilding our relationship by asking you to be my bridesmaid."

To Antonia's surprise, Nola folded her arms and didn't take the gift. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Can I ask why?" Antonia laid the gift on the table and put a mildly confused and hurt expression on her face.

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