"Which one?!" Laura demanded pointedly.

"Buck Cleven," Poppy whispered conspiratorially.

"Damn, I did miss a lot last night!" Becky frowned. "How the hell did you get him to punch someone?"

"It is not that big of a deal—"

"Except for the fact that your brother is absolutely convinced that he likes you and you're always with him!" Laura albowed Kathryn sharply.

"I thought you were on my side!" Kathryn's jaw dropped.

"That was before you started leaving out details!" Annika insisted.

"What happened?" Becky demanded.

Kathryn just let out a huff of air as Poppy regaled the girls. "There was this Brit who kept on trying to get with Kitty and she just wasn't having it. And I guess she told him off and then they all got into a fist-fight, because the next thing I know, I'm hearing that the Major beat up a Brit for her!"

"That is such an exaggeration, really," Kathryn protested. "I was handling myself just fine—"

"But is it true?" Laura questioned, leaning forward.

"Is what true?"

"Does he like you?"

"How would I know that?!" Kathryn threw her hands up in the air. "I don't know! He's just a friend, that's all! Honestly! Don't you all think you'd be the first ones to know?"

A beat of silence. "If you don't want him, honey," Becky said, gesturing emphatically. "I'll take him."

Truth be told, Kathryn Egan just didn't know. She had a lot of conflicted, mostly tipsy, thoughts about Major Gale Cleven and there was a lot about him that she found admirable. But she wasn't about to admit them to all of the girls right here and right now. Besides, he'd have to come home first for her to figure that out anyway.

So in a way, this was a problem for the future.


After the initial pandemonium of the late afternoon return, Kathryn was the one to lead Crosby to Bubbles—leaving them both with a happy smile. It was always nice when she got to see friends reunite. There was a camaraderie and a brotherhood that the men on base had with one another, especially if it was people that they knew from back home.

She made her way outside with the sheets, starting on scrubbing the blood out of them. It was in this very tedious task of concentration—and rubbing her fingers raw—that Kathryn was approached by none other than her brother.

For a moment, he just lingered behind her, gaze watching her angrily scrubbing at the stains. "You know, an angry face doesn't make the stain go away."

The loud beating of her heart in her ears seemed to dissipate. She barely gave her brother a glance, focused on her task. "Do you need something, Bucky?"

Bucky just crouched down beside her. "Hey—"

Kathryn felt her breath catch in her throat and she almost gave a cry as she dropped the sheets and hugged her brother tightly. "You are such an asshole!" She murmured into his shoulder.

"Aww Kath—"

"I mean, I slapped you last night and you didn't even say goodbye—"

"I came to say that I'm sorry about last night. All of yesterday, actually, really." Bucky admitted, finally pulling away from the hug and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Are you okay?"

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