🎶☁️The Spark☁️🎶

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A/N: It's been a bit since I wrote a one-shot, hasn't it?

Kita belongs to kimlytheweeb198
Rosella belongs to yours truly.


Being Porky's prisoner seemed to be a very mixed experience for Rosella, but for some reason, it wasn't all that bad. Yes, being kidnapped by a hollow husk of the boy she's loved since childhood and being forced into the hands of a fat greasy blonde turd that had the hots for her was heartbreaking. But the piece of human garbage seemed to forget about her since there were so many other women he had at his disposal. And on top of that, the Masked Man was surprisingly cordial and polite to her. From the rumors she picked up on he seemed to turn into this unfeeling mass-killing monster, but he hasn't so much as left a scratch on her. Perhaps there was a bit of Claus left in him after all, she thought. But her thoughts were cut short when she heard an announcement from outside the window of the Empire Porky Building.

"Attention Underlings," The voice shouted. "DCMC will be playing live tonight on the 24th floor of the Empire Porky Building! Don't miss the comeback tour of the hottest band in all of Nowhere Islands!"

Rosella sighed. She loved that band so much and would give anything to go to that concert. She and her parents grew up listening to them and her parents even had them play at their wedding. This was before Rosella was even born but she loved hearing her parents talk about it.

She suddenly heard some voices coming from the hallway.

"A...break?" One of the voices asked monotonously. This was the Masked Man speaking.

"Yeah, a break," another voice answered. The voice belonged to Porky.

"I'm not used to this much downtime," the Masked Man admitted. "What do I do during this...break?"

"That's up to you, my boy," Porky answered. "That's the best thing about a break, you don't have to answer to me in the time allotted. You've been doing so well pulling needles, killing people, and kidnapping all sorts of hot girls for me, I figured I'd reward you for your work."

Rosella felt her heart sink. Just how many people did he kill and kidnap?

Porky continued. "You know that DCMC concert I'm putting on? How about you take that chick you're into and make it a date? You know the one, the teenager with the space buns? Brown hair? Green eyes?"

The Masked Man blushed a bit. "Rose...?"

Rosella gasped and ducked down as the two kept talking. Her face was beet red.

"Yeah, her! Now that I think about it, I haven't been able to spend some one-on-one time with her, have I? I mean, her Healing PSI's been doing numbers for us, but I still haven't been able to bond with her all that much. But then again, as much as it pains me to not have her for myself, I love the way you two interact."

The Masked Man scowled at Porky. "Sir, What Rose and I have is none of your business!"

"Oh, but it is~" Porky cooed before glaring at him threateningly. "If you want me to forget that you just scowled at your king, you better shut your yap and take my offer to spend more time with her. Cause I can easily take it back and just...take her for myself. Maybe I'll turn her into a mindless puppet as well...just like I did with you..."

Rosella's eyes widened. Of course, he was the one that turned her beloved into this...

The Masked Man looked at Porky, raising a brow. "What are you implying? That the girl's claims about me are true? Cause if they are...I don't mind taking her for myself and wrecking the shit out of this entire building!"

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