"Have you been feeling nauseous? Vomiting? Headache? Dizziness?"

"All of the above," Lucy says, and I notice the words get caught in her throat. I quickly look around for a trash can and once I spot it, I grab it and bring it in front of Lucy. Just in time, too, as she vomits right into it.

"Oh, baby," I rub comforting circles on her back. I feel terrible. Our baby is making her sick, and I'm the one who put it in there.

Once she is done vomiting, Lucy looks up shakily. "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize." Dr. Jones says. "Have you had any aversions to specific foods or scents?"

"Yeah, my favorite scone from my favorite bakery. My friend got it for me the other day and I suddenly felt repulsed by it."

"I see."

Fifteen minutes later the nurse returns with a folder which she hands to Dr. Jones before she leaves.

Dr. Jones looks over the results before flashing us a smile. "Congratulations, you're pregnant."

I feel Lucy's grip on my hand get tighter, and she's shaking a little. "Baby, this is good news." I try to assure her.

"I- I know."

"Since you're here, would you like to get the ultrasound done?" Dr. Jones asks.

"Yes please," Lucy says quietly She then looks up at me. "I want to see our baby."

I smile in response.

Dr. Jones sets up the machine and holds a bottle. "This is the gel we use. Heads up, it's going to feel a little cold and slimy."

"Okay." Lucy nods.

"Please lift your shirt above your belly." Dr. Jones instructs. Lucy does as he says, and he then squirts some of the gel onto her belly. Following that, he grabs the wand that's hooked up to the machine and looks at us. "Alright, mom and dad, are you ready to see your baby?"


I'm so fucking scared right now. But like it or not, this baby is coming. Obviously, I want to see it, but I'm terrified. What if something is wrong? But also, actually seeing our baby, it's going to make this all feel even more real.

Dr. Jones places the wand on my belly and begins to spread the gel around, looking up at the screen on the machine. An image slowly fades into view. Our baby. I squeeze Tim's hand a little tighter.

"Oh, my." Dr. Jones says, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I feel a chill run down my spine. "What's wrong with my baby?" I panic.

"Tell us, Doc," Tim adds.

"Nothings wrong with your baby per se, however..."

"What is it?"

"Well, look," Dr. Jones points at the screen. "That's your baby."

"Right." Tim nods.

Dr. Jones moves his finger over. "And that's your other baby."

I freeze. "O- Other baby?"

Tim gulps. "Do you mean..."

"Congratulations, you're pregnant with twins."

I feel as though the walls are closing in on me. We hadn't even planned for one baby, let alone two. I already had my doubts on how we'd be able to afford to take care of our baby, but now there are two. Not to mention the fact that we already didn't have enough room for a baby in our apartment. I start to hyperventilate.

The Boot (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now