Vic leaves his apartment as he talks to someone on the phone, "That's right. I swear on my mother's grave that these guys are frogs and they know kung fu. And this girl she has some type of witchy powers! You can't tell me that's not worth something." he yelps as the turtles and the blonde land around him, "Ah! I'll call you back." he hangs up the phone and holds a finger in the air as he backs away, "Lay one finger on me, frog, and I'm calling the cops."
"We're not gonna hurt you." Raph struggles to say as he clenches his fists.
"Then what do you want, freak?"
"We got off on the wrong foot last night. Some things were said, and well, we would just like that video back. Hmm?" Raph smiles as Vic raises an eyebrow, Leo nudging his brother's arm, "Please?"
"What are you gonna give me for it?"
"Give you for it?"
"Well, I figure I've got you over a barrel, so you've got to make it worth my while." Vic smirks.
"T'll make it worth your while." Raph smirks back before slowly becoming angry, "I won't take your head and smash it against the-"
Leo puts a hand on his shoulder, "Okay, okay, thank you, Raphael. Ryliee and I will take over." Raph simply crosses his arms with an angry pout, "So what are you looking for?"
" mil ought to cover it." Vic smirks as Ryliee's eyes widen.
"Mmhmm, mm-hmm. A cool mil of what?" Leo asks.
"Leo, he's asking for a million dollars." Ryliee whispers.
"We don't have a million dollars."
"Yeah, I know."
"We do have some Canadian quarters that fell through the grate." Mikey smiles.
"That's not gonna be enough." Ryliee told him with a small smile "Here this has been in my family for generations take, sell it, or whatever, but hand us the video please?" As she handed Vic her great grandmother's tiara. "Its estimated value is $80 Million." She said pleading with the man.
"Woah, Ryliee, you are not giving this cheapskate your family's heirloom." Raph told her.
"Raph, it's fine, okay? I'm willing to let go of it to keep you and brothers safe. Please understand?" Ryliee reassures.
"I can make serious money off this thing." Vic shakes the phone, "And if you don't want to pay, I'll hold on to it until someone else does."
"That's it!" Raph pins him down, "Ryliee is not handing nothing over! Hand over the video or, so help me, I'll kick your hairy butt all the way to New Jersey!"
"Guys! The Kraang!" Leo points as a van flies towards them, "Raph! Look out!" he tackles the two out of the way of the oncoming van, the two turtles getting up as another van starts towards them, "Let's not let this one get away."
Raph picks up and barrel and launches it at the van, making it crash into the wall, "Well, that was easy." he crosses his arms with a grin before Kraang come out the back of the van and start shooting at them, "Ooh-kay."
The Turtles start fighting against the Kraang, Vic trying to avoid the fight. He gets knocked into the van by a Kraang that was launched towards him.
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Ryliee picks up a discarded Kraang gun and starts firing at them, "Woah! Not bad. I might keep this with my collection of blasters." she fires a few more times.
"Oh, no, you don't!" Raph storms over to the man in the van.
"Raph, what are you doing?" Leo asks as he holds a Kraang off, "Get back here!" he knocks him back, but gets kicked down by another Kraang, "Raph!"
"I got him!" Ryliee fires at one Kraang before using her powers knocking another Kraang down and pinning him with her boot.
"We've got unfinished business!" Raph gets into the van, Vic backing up, "You give me that phone right now!" he turns around to see three Kraang get into the van with them before it drives off.
"Raph's in the van!" Leo calls out as the four chase after it.
Raph knocks the three Kraang down before holding his hand out to Vic, "Let's get out of here!"
"Forget it! You lizards don't want to buy my video, maybe these guys will." Vic gestures to the fallen Kraang.
"Raph!" Donnie calls out as he holds his bo staff out for him to grab, "Get out of there!"
Raph grabs Vic's arm, "Listen, you idiot! Frogs are not lizards. And we're not frogs."
A Kraang suddenly grabs him and throws him out of the van, making him crash into his brothers and Ryliee.
"So long, froggy." Vic chuckles as he gets approached by the three Kraang, "Uh, thanks for the help, guys. Have I got a deal for you." he smirks and holds up his phone as they
stare at him. "So are you all triplets or what?" they simply walk closer to him.
The five stand up.
"Nice going, Raph." Leo glares at his brother as he stands up.
"What did I do?"
"What did you do? You left the four of us in the middle of the fight to yell at somebody.
We could have stopped them, but thanks to your temper, the guy with the tape-"
"Again, technically, it's a flash-" Donnie starts to say.
"Not now./ Later, Donnie." Leo and Ryliee say in unison.
"Is in the hands of the Kraang." Leo continues, "How are we supposed to find them?"
"Huh?" Donnie looks down to see oil going in the direction where the van was heading,
"Look, the truck's leaking!"
"All right! We can follow the trail to their hideout." Leo says.
"And then we'll bash some bots!" Raph punches his hand with a grin before noticing the expression on his brother's face, "What?"
"We are going to bash some bots." Leo looks over at Ryliee, Donnie, and Mikey, "You are going home."
"What, are you kidding? Come on, guys. Are we gonna let Leo power-trip like this?"
Raph turns to his brothers.
Ryliee frowns as she says "Remember, No one 'makes' you angry. You decide to use anger as a response." Thinking about Samantha at their time at Celestial Cascade with her short temper and how Cassandra and Ryliee helped her calm down.
"I think Leo's right." Donnie says.
"You gotta control your temper. Until then, we just can't trust you." Leo told him before he and Donnie leave.
"Sorry, Raph." Mikey adds as he leads Ryliee away.
Raph throws his sais down in frustration.
Raph paces in the kitchen as he talks to Spike, "Who does Leo think he is? So what if I got a temper? I'm still the best fighter we've got. In fact, if anything, my anger makes me a better fighter. You understand me, don't you, Spike? Chew on your leaf if you understand me." Spike chews on his leaf, "Yeah, thought so."
"I understand you too." Splinter voices, walking into the kitchen as Raph jumps up.
"Oh! Seriously, you gotta knock or something."
"Raphael, let me tell you a story."
"Sensei, I'm not in the mood for a story."
"Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story." Splinter turns to the turtle, who chews on his leaf, "Very well. When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman."
Raph pretends to look at his wrist, "Oh, hey, is it that late?" "Sit." Splinter commands as his son sighs, "Her name was Tang Shen. And I was not the only one who loved her. There was another man competing for her attention. Oroku
"One day, he insulted me in front of her. He called me many things. I felt I could not let those insults go unanswered. I lost my temper. And over time, our rivalry festered into hatred... Until Shredder sought to finish me...And I lost my beloved Tang Shen."
"But...But it wasn't your fault. Shredder insulted you. You had no choice."
"No choice?" Splinter turns to him, "I could have chosen to ignore him. I could have chosen to let his words wash over me...Like a river over stone. But I let him anger me. It
was I who made his words into weapons." he walks up to his son and places a hand on his shoulder, "That's the choice I made. What choice will you make?" he walks away, leaving Raph to his thoughts. Thinking of what Ryliee said earlier is what Master Splinter said.

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