Lisa had left us to go to Dean.

I noticed Neville in the crowd and began walking towards him, then hesitated. I had a friend, however, who didn't believe in hesitation.

"Oh, for goodness sake!" Sue took my arm and began marching me over to Neville's side, practically placing me there before rejoining the other Ravenclaws that were making their way towards the Hog's Head.

Neville sent a smile my way and I sent one back, hoping that I didn't seem hesitant. "How have you been?"

"You're saying that as if it's been a while since we've seen each other," I laughed. "It's only been a a day." It's been an eternity.

He hummed. "It feels like it's been much longer than that. And how you've been feeling varies from day to day, doesn't it?"

I smiled. "Well, I've been... okay. You?"

"Could've been better if I spent more time with you."

My stomach did a back flip, yet he held no smug smirk on his face nor a triumphant smile. Had he even realized what he said or was he just blabbering?

I tried not to think anything of it. People are creatures of habit. They just say stuff that they're used to saying.

Wait, who's he saying that to? Is there anyone he hangs out with on a regular basis other than me?

"Isn't this place cosy?" Dean muttered as the hoard of us entered, the place dusty and small with people who wore hoods and veils to conceal their faces for whatever dodgy reason.

One turned to me and I recoiled, somehow finding myself wrapped in Neville's right arm as he led me through the Hog's Head while my eyes remained glued on all the strange customers that sat within.

"Welcoming too," I added to Dean's prior statement, trying not to seem uncomfortable as Neville pulled out my chair for me. The table we chose to sit at was long, long enough for the Ravenclaw fifth years to sit at, while Neville and Dean went to sit with the other Gryffindors as if we were still at the Great Hall.

Hermione, Ron and Harry stood at the front and Hermione took the liberty of beginning. "Well, er— hi. Well, you know why you're here. Well, Harry here had the idea, I mean— I had the idea that it might be good if the people who wanted to study Defence Against the Dark Arts— I mean, really study it, you know, not the rubbish that Umbridge is doing with us—"

"Here, here," Anthony interrupted.

Hermione's face glowed as she continued. "Well, I thought it would be good if we, well, took matters into our own hands. And by that, I mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just theory, but real spells. I want to be properly trained in defence because.. because..." She took a deep breath and I knew what she was about to say in an instant. "Because Lord Voldemort is back."

There was a dramatic response of choking on drinks and yelps and shudders and twitches, but at least it gained attention like a siren.

"Where's the proof that You-Know-Who's back?" questioned a Hufflepuff.

"That's Zacharias Smith," Morag whispered. "He's on the Hufflepuff team. Kind of sharp mouthed, isn't he?"

It was like she needed our permission to dislike someone.

"Well, Dumbledore believes it," Hermione began.

"Dumbledore believes him," Zacharias said, motioning to Harry, "and I think we've got the right to know exactly what makes him say You-Know-Who's back."

I shifted in my seat.

"What makes me say You-Know-Who's back?" Harry's eyes were filled with defiance. "I saw him. Dumbledore told the whole school what happened last year, and if you didn't believe him you don't believe me, and I'm not wasting an afternoon trying to convince anyone."

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