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With the force of Bellona behind her strikes, Reyna jumped off a sinking Scipio, falling with her spear in both her hands, and slammed it into the head of a hulking cyclops, breaking her fall and his skull alike.

"Defendi altus!" she bellowed, backflipping off the crumbling monster.

Behind her, the Legion pulled itself into ranks once again, and a line of swords shot out to stab through the monsters in front. The ground shook underfoot, and Reyna jumped onto the back of a furry black hellhound as others fell over, praying that Percy's standing order for them to remain uneaten was upheld. While the beast seemed disgruntled as Reyna used it as a chariot through the battlefield, it didn't eat her, and that was what mattered. She cast dark brown eyes through the throngs of claws and swords, and was relieved to see Scipio had landed safely behind rank lines. The pegasus bled visibly from an arrow to the wing.

Reyna chewed her lip once in worry before shoving it to the back of her mind. She stabbed through a dracaenae, bouncing from a crouch to a jump to hop over a claw that skimmed the soles of her boots. The ground shook again, throwing her off the hellhound.

She rolled, coming up with a thrust of her spear. The ground trembled constantly now, trampled blades of grass blurring and muddy puddles rippling; Gaia must have finally joined the battle.

Yet when Reyna fought her way clear to look over, the Primordial Goddess remained sat on her throne, seemingly content to watch with a serene expression. She was enjoying this?

Another tremble- and another- another- like footsteps.

The giant, her mind concluded.

Reyna slashed an ogre in the leg, felling it like a tree, and leapt atop to get a better vantage point. Oh yes, she saw it; Polybotes was on the field, thankfully in Percy's sector. The two traded fast blows, trident slamming against dual swords, two thick ropes of water lashing out like snakes around them, one clear, the other a sickly oily black. Only, Reyna observed with narrow eyes, she wasn't sure who was controlling which. Both seemed to follow Percy's brutal strikes.

She was wary about him and more than concerned; the Percy she had known before was not the same man now who didn't bat an eye at being covered in someone else's blood. He seemed distant and angry and without Annabeth at his side, Reyna honestly didn't know what he was going to do next. It wasn't just the occasional tsunami wave keeping the troops away from Percy's side of the battlefield- everyone could see he was highly unstable. Bloody hands, black war paint tearing across his face, eyes too white, grin showing too many teeth. The occasional laugh. She knew she wasn't the only one watching him slaughter his way through monsters out the corner of their eye. Adding anger and volatility to his level of power… Reyna didn't feel scared often. But this… this made her worry.

She pulled herself back into the battle, gripping a fallen Centurion by the forearm and yanking her to her feet while Argentum finished off the ogre. A pulse of warmth flooded through her hand into the other girl, whose eyes visibly brightened.

"Whoo!" The girl straightened up and threw her shoulders back, smacking an empousa to the floor with the flat of her blade. "Ave Praetor Ramírez-Arellano!"

"Ave!" Reyna shouted back, before crying out and hoisting her spear into the air, first spinning it in a lethal circle to clear her area. "Repellere equites!"

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