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“You ruined everything!” Krios snarled, and Percy flinched as the Titan strode towards him.

“Breathe, brother.” Koios said, scarily calm as he sat on a boulder as they rested. “We will be forgiven. Mother will make him understand. He-“ Koios shot him a venomous glance, “-will be too dead to be a part of it anymore.”

“We told him not to break the rules-“

“With Jackson, it was inevitable. But peace: all it has done is ensure him a most painful death. It was coming for him anyway.”

The remaining Guard Cyclopes that hadn’t fled chuckled darkly around him as he sat on the floor, a low rumble around him. Krios still looked like he wanted to hit him. Percy really hoped he didn’t.

“So, now what?” Krios turned to his brother.

“Simple.” Koios said, “We keep moving. We wait for word from mother. We find the river Lethe. Either that stuck up God Hades unknowingly helps us, or mother will. But until then, we must keep going. Having the Owner after us is… less than desirable.”

Percy opened his mouth to ask, yet again, who the owner was, but the pure hatred in Krios’ eyes kept him quiet. Not the time.

Koios turned to him. His optimistic attitude and simple statements did nothing to hide the simmering anger held tightly in his face. He towered over Percy, who unconsciously leant away, and yanked him up by the chain on his wrists.

Percy screwed up his face in pain as the metal bit into the scabbed skin for the millionth time. Koios bared his teeth in a smile at his expression.

“Come.” the Titan said. “We must keep moving.”


"Wait- wait- I saw nothing! I don't know you!" The monster pleaded, but it had already laid eyes upon their group. They needed absolute secrecy.

Koios crushed it in his hands.


“Who is the Owner?” Percy asked as the two Titans feasted on some poor monster they had torn apart.

The single bone that he had been given to eat lay on the ground, stripped down to the second layer of enamel and shiningly clean. If his teeth wouldn’t have broken, he would have eaten the bone too.

Krios looked at him in disgust and leaned across the monster remains to swing a fist and-

Percy took the impact clean across his cheek, his head slamming into the ground. Pain clouded through his head as he closed his eyes, and just lifted his knees to his chest to protect his stomach, despite Krios already having gone back to his food.

Right. Guess he’d just find out at some point.


The Titans slept loudly. Their snores made Percy terrified that they’d attract unwanted attention as they slept in the small cavern.

He stared at Koios. The Titan held his chain as he slept, gripping it tightly in his meaty hand.

A thousand scenarios ran through his suddenly alive head. He could escape if he really tried. If he just yanked his chains free and ran, he could-

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