Percy: XX

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Percy: XX

Percy tore out of the shadows cast by a nearby tree, and stumbled out onto the grass.

He ignored the massive surge of fatigue that he felt well up underneath his blessing, from the sheer distance he had travelled, the smoke from his tattoo extending in tendrils to wrap around his torso like a scarf, easing the edges but not taking the pressure off. He bit his lip hard to stay awake and tasted blood. Percy shoved it to the back of his mind and shut it off, determined to carry on.

Giggles of laughter around him sliced through the air like knives, echoing up around Central Park, normal conversations smothering him, so casual. They didn't even know what was happening to their world, what was happening to young children, that they were dying, because they were cursed to be half immortal.

Percy took a few seconds to breathe in the New York air, before striding forwards to continue his search. He didn’t exactly know why he was here, having had the LA entrance in mind, but it wasn’t as if he was an expert in shadow travel. It didn’t matter. A way in was a way in.

It took a few minutes, but eventually Percy found the familiar pile of rocks, looking no different to the first time Percy had used it with Nico to go get the Achilles' blessing the first time.

The Door of Orpheus.

One of the two major entrances to the Underworld.

It wasn’t hard to remember the story. Orpheus had wanted the love of his life back; it was ironic that Percy was now using his door for the exact same purpose. Only he would succeed where Orpheus had not. He wouldn’t make the same mistakes he had.

Hades wouldn't know he was coming until Percy wanted him to, and by then, Percy would be right on top of him. He knew it was wrong. He knew it was selfish. He knew it went against the natural order of things.

But it also felt right. She deserved to live the rest of her life. It felt like his only decision.

He needed her back.

Last time, he had needed Grover to play his reed pipes to open it. Percy didn't have that luxury this time, but what he did have was liquid anger burning fiery streams just underneath his surface of his skin and two ancient blessings burned into his body.

Pulling some water from the lake, which was just north of him, Percy reared his arms back and slammed his fists onto the rocks, the water rushing into cracks and tearing deeper fissures like a thousand tiny pressure washers.

The boulders trembled.

Percy increased the force until his heartbeat blocked out every other sound, like he'd held his breath for too long, and, with a final slam, they cracked open, revealing a triangular crevice. He peered inside. The familiar steps led down into the darkness, the air smelling of mildew and death, just like last time. Percy stomped down the steps.

 It led straight to the land of Hades. Percy didn’t slow down for a second.

As he plunged into darkness, Percy was surprised to find that he could see reasonably well after a few seconds. It wasn't full clarity, and he couldn't see colours, but he could see vague outlines, silvery like moonlight was shining on them.

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