Percy: XIII

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Percy: XIII

Percy helped Damasen shakily stand up. The Giant looked to be able to walk on his own, but Percy doubted he'd be able to for long. Comparing their heights in his head, Percy had a sinking suspicion he'd be used as a crutch for the journey. He looked to Nyx for what to do next.

"You misunderstand me," she said, looking almost apologetically at Damasen, "The Titan cannot come through. He cannot fit."

Percy frowned.

"What?" he said, confused.

Damasen stepped backwards. "I'm too big, Percy. I'm three times your size. I can't fit through the doors."

"You knew? You knew you couldn't come with me?" Percy asked in disbelief.

Damasen nodded with a regretful wince.

"What happened to staying together?" Percy demanded. Damasen was still practically dead on his feet. He needed Percy there to protect him! He had taken care of him when Percy had needed it most, and it was only right for Percy to repay the favour.

"There is another way across, but only for Giants and Titans." Damasen pressed, "You would not make it. This is the only way for you to get across. We can meet up somewhere. Once you get out the other side, just keep going and I'll find you."

Percy shook his head, ready to argue further, but Nyx swept forwards, cutting him off.

"This is the only way." she stated, "And it has to happen now. Go." she turned on Damasen, waving him off imperiously. The Giant bowed his head and heeded her order. He started to limp away.

"Wait!" Percy said.

Damasen stopped. He raised an exasperated eyebrow at Percy.

"Take Maia." Percy held the reins out to him. The Giant accepted them quietly.

"I'll see you later. I'll find you." Damasen said with an unspoken promise, before disappearing through the metal gates. Percy watched, a little sadly, as Maia's tail swept out of sight, and turned back, trying to ignore his growing anxiety for both his comrades and his current situation.

"Little harm should come to him." Nyx glanced at Percy. "He is a Giant. And if he is rumoured to be with you, Godkiller, then perhaps the others shall go out of his way to avoid him."

Percy scowled but had to concede the point. Despite his compromised state, Damasen was a Giant. On the surface, Giants couldn't even be killed without both a God and a demigod, and Percy was quite literally the only demigod in the Pit of the Underworld right now. And Percy didn't have any plans to bump Damasen off. Not anymore, a nasty little voice whispered. Percy ignored it. Although, he thought with just a trickle of worry, nothing seemed to abide by the rules in this place. Maybe... maybe he could be hurt. Percy shook his head clear. He'd be fine. And he had Maia. He would be fine.

"Where do I go?" He turned to Nyx, straightening his back in determination.

She smiled at him, not unkindly but not pleasantly. That did not inspire confidence in him.

"Through the doors and keep going. Do not open your eyes- or do. I am not sure if a mortal could take it. It would be interesting to find out."

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