Percy: XI

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Percy: XI

"We need to break." Percy said flatly to Akhlys, his voice dragging in exhaustion.

"But we're so close!" Akhlys protested.

Percy didn't like the tone of frustration he heard in the Goddess' voice. She would do it at his pace or she wouldn't do anything at all. It was her fault they'd been walking for so long anyway. And with Damasen strapped to Maia's back, she couldn't fetch food for any of them, and Percy's stomach growls had made him paranoid more than once. He was tired, he was starving, and he was losing his patience with just about everyone, including himself. 'Not too far' she had told him. 'Just a little bit further'. Yeah, right. The temple thing had been further away than any of them had thought. He knew for sure that there were holes in his shoes appearing

"I don't care. Damasen might wake up." Percy said, halting Maia. "And I need a miracle like that right about now." he muttered.

He administered the Phlegthon water on the barely visible injury, splashing it over and focusing the water through Damasen's body. His knowledge of the inner workings of both human and monster bodies by now was more thorough than he had ever thought it would be, but he still wasn't sure why Damasen wasn't waking up. He guessed the poison remained, else he probably would have woken up by now if it was only the stab wound that needed healing.

He'd tried to control the poison and remove it, but it was difficult to weave through Damasen's body without poisoning more of him, like a delicate game of Operation. Percy didn't want to find out what would happen if he touched the sides; he doubted he'd hear a buzzer. So he stuck with the water. Percy tried to do it every few hours or so, but he had no way to know if it was regular. The last administration could have been a week ago, or 5 minutes ago- he didn't have a clue.

When Damasen stopped moaning in his sleep at the burning, Percy fixed the bonds keeping him in place and stepped back, taking several long and deep breaths. He'd need to keep some of that water for Maia as well. The Styx had effectively taken care of him in regards to breathing the air in, though as he cast his mind back, he hadn't needed the water as often the longer he had spent down here. He hated to think he was adapting, but he preferred it over feeling like someone was shredding him from the inside out.

"And now we go?" Akhlys said behind him.

Percy scowled; it was like a kid going 'are we there yet' in the back seat.

"No."he said shortly. "I need to rest or I won't be able to fight."

"If we get to the temple quickly, you won't need to fight. And you could rest there." Akhlys said, and though she had her hood up, he felt as if she was staring him down.

"No." Percy said again, trying to stop his voice from snapping at her. "I don't know what's in there. I can't risk getting caught off guard. I need rest." Percy explained with a hard look on his face.

Akhlys dropped her side of the argument almost instantly.

"Of course, of course. I will keep watch." Akhlys shuffled over to a stone and slumped down, a mournful sigh floating out from under her hood.

Percy frowned uncertainly. Maia was sighing deeply, the Drakon snoozing next to him. She had a lot to carry, she needed sleep too. But this meant she couldn't watch out while he slept. If he was to do this, to trust Akhlys to watch over him, he'd need to go all in. He couldn't sleep with one eye open again; he'd end up not getting enough sleep overall. He tallied up his odds in his head. Akhlys was minor Goddess- she couldn't really do him damage, could she? He had almost forgotten about the curse on him- he still felt the same amount of vulnerability. Despite spending about a year with the Achilles Curse on him, he had forgotten how much he obsessed over his mortal point, even when he couldn't remember where it was.

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