25 | Heartbreak

238 17 32

Lee Minho

It felt like my heart fell into a pool of thorns when I saw Iseul and Seungmin together.

I knew they weren't called by any teacher.

For a fraction of second, Iseul's eyes turned in my direction but I immediately hid even though I had no reason to. Maybe I didn't want her to feel guilty for lying.

I wanted to go back, but my feet refused to. I stood there, just watching them hug each other as Seungmin made jokes which made her laugh.

It should've been me. Why did it have to be someone else?

With a lot of effort, I dragged myself back to the others. It was no use putting myself through such a heartbreak.

I approached the group quietly, not saying anything upon Iseul's and Seungmin's arrival.

"Guys... I have to tell you something." Seungmin suddenly spoke up. "Me and Iseul have been selected in the group of organisers for the upcoming competitions."

"That's so cool!" Eunseol squealed.

"Really, Seungmin? I get Iseul is an academically bright student but you..." Changbin trailed off playfully, earning a hit from Seungmin.

However, my mind was somewhere else.

You didn't get selected as an organiser, you volunteered for it.

I glanced at Iseul, and she was just looking at her feet. Something was on her mind. It was practically written on her face.

Why wasn't she talking to me?

With a pang of pain in my chest, I looked away. Of course, she probably didn't need me anymore.

Why would she, when she had Seungmin?


A few days passed just like that with Iseul and Seungmin being absent from the group, even in the lunch breaks.

I was peacefully minding my own business as the break ended and everyone began going back to their classes. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone at all.

However, my peace wasn't long lived.

"Minho! Minho right?" A girl panted as she came running towards me. I recognised her to be Song Jiyeon, the transfer student.

"Oh.. Jiyeon? What's up?"

"Um, you need to come with me. Like, right now." She said urgently. "Please, before the class starts."

With a sigh, I decided to follow her.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious." She said softly. I just nodded my head, not really knowing how to respond.

We soon reached an empty classroom. However, when we entered, I spotted some familiar faces.

"Hyunjin? Yuna? Eunseol? What's going on here?" I ask, confused.

"I don't know, man. Yuna called us here." Hyunjin shrugged as he exchanged a glance with Eunseol, who looked equally confused.

"Um actually, there's something I need to tell you..." Yuna said, exchanging a glance with Jiyeon. "The truth is... Jiyeon told me something the other day."

"What is it?" Eunseol asked, worry evident in her voice.

"I was on my way home yesterday and... I saw Iseul and Seungmin together." Jiyeon said.

My heart fell at her words, but I continued to give myself hope even though I knew where this was going.

"So? That's not a big deal." Said Hyunjin.

"It is, because the guy she was with was Seungmin and they... they were kissing. On a date, apparently." Jiyeon said.

No. No.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, her words piercing me in every possible way. It stung, I had done so much for her and thought that we had gotten closer. I even considered her liking me after the trip.

I wish this was just a bad dream.

"What? Are you crazy?" Eunseol said with disbelief. "I get you're new here, but that doesn't mean you can spew whatever nonsensical things that come to your mind!" She snapped.

"Eun, that's a bit harsh-" Hyunjin began, only to get interrupted again.

"Harsh? Well, tell her to stop lying!" Eunseol hissed. "If something like that was to happen, Iseul would never hide from me."

"Eunseol, that's enough." Yuna spoke up, motioning towards Jiyeon who was in tears.

"I-I just thought since you guys were her close friends you should know.." She sniffled. "I'm sorry if I offended you all."

"No, Jiyeon wait!" Yuna said as the girl stormed out.

"Eunseol I get that you're mad, but are you even hearing yourself? Stop being delusional! Iseul was hiding it from you, and the sooner that you accept it, the better it will be." She snapped, then turned away to follow Jiyeon.

Eunseol scoffed. "Hyunjin, you don't possibly think she's telling the truth, right? Right Minho?" She turned in our directions.

However, her face fell when she glanced at us.

"Eun... It's not impossible, they've been hanging out a lot lately." Hyunjin muttered.

"If they're dating... All we can do is being happy for them." I spoke up for the first time after coming in that empty classroom.


"No, Eunseol. She could've told us, but she decided to hide it. Let's just... pretend we don't know anything." I said, taking a deep breath.

I was on the verge of losing myself, and I think they realised that, because they let me leave without questioning further.

I let out a bitter laugh as I moved towards the rooftop. I did''t think I'd be able to sit with Iseul in the class, atleast not after getting my worst doubts confirmed.

I was really stupid enough to think I had a chance with her.

I knew that no matter how much I tried, I'd never be able to bring myself to be happy for Iseul and Seungmin.

I could just stay away, be a coward and hide. If not for theirs, then for my own sake.


Anyone in need of tissues? Take them all, people. You'll need some more in the future chapters.

Enjoy the double update~

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