1 | New Friends

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Choi Iseul

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of my alarm ringing. I lazily turned it off, taking my time to wake up. Today seemed like any oddinary day, with sunlight entering my room through the window and sounds of people talking in the neighborhood, going about their daily business. There was nothing unusual about today for everyone else.

But for me, it was the beginning of my new life.

Today was the first day of my highschool. Most of the people my age had hopes of meeting new friends or coming across some old ones. They felt excited to meet people.

But that wasn't the case for me. All I wished for was to not come across anyone from my past. And I had no intentions of making friends either. The only thing I wished for was to have a low profile with as little human interaction as possible.

Besides, most of the humans repelled me. Sometimes I even wondered if we were the same species. Sorry to say, but some people were total pieces of shit.

But anyway, my plan sounded perfect, right? Well atleast to me it did. I just want to be invisible and peacefully live my highschool life, without any drama of course.

I got up from my bed and lazily made my way towards the bathroom. I soon took a shower and got into my uniform.

I don't know why, but now I was slowly starting to feel nervous. What if I made a bad image on the very first day and became the centre of attention? What if someone from my middle school also goes to the same highschool as me?

I forced myself to get rid of such thoughts and made my way downstairs. It was quiet and empty. If you ignored the pictures on the wall and a few newspapers laying on the couch, you would think that no one lived here.

I walked towards the quiet kitchen, knowing my mother already left for work. She couldn't even stay to wish me luck on the first day of my highschool, huh?

Well, who was I expecting things from? I should probably get used to her at this point.

I quickly ate my breakfast and after grabbing my bag, wearing my shoes and locking the front door, I made my way towards my new school.

I grew more nervous with every step I took. I don't know why, but dread started to consume me. I didn't want my highschool life to be like my middle school life.

I didn't want to get bullied again.

It's okay. You got this.

I didn't even realise when I reached the gates of my school. Taking a deep breath, I made my way towards the entrance.

I observed the people around me. Everyone seemed so carefree. They looked excited when they spotted someone they knew, and waved towards each other. Some people walked in large groups, while a few walked alone, just like me.

Just then, a large groups of loud boys passed me. They all looked so happy and bright, joking around with each other and laughing loudly. They were getting a lot of stares from the people around them, but they didn't seem to care about that.

Honestly, I felt envious. I wish I could be so carefree like them. I wish I could laugh like them, not caring about the people around me.

Averting my eyes from the group, I quickly entered the building and looked for my classroom. It didn't take me long enough to find it, because a teacher helped me out.

Classroom 1-3. The place in which I was going to spend the rest of my year. I just hoped I made good memories here, and not bad ones like I already have.

I entered the classroom and took the third seat from front right next to the window. Only a few people were in the class. Rest were probably hanging out with their friends or waiting for someone they knew to come.

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